Gou Qi Zi

| Gou Qi Zi in TCM:Explore the properties of Gou Qi Zi according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: goji berry, lycium fruit, matrimony vine fruit, barbary wolfberry
Pharmacuetical Name: Fructus Lycii
Properties: sweet, neutral
Temperature: neutral
Channels: LU, KD, LV
Flavors: sweet, sour Tonifies: blood, yin
Special Properties: essence, resolves dryness
Actions / Indications:
- Tonifies LV and KD (sore back and legs, dizziness,
premature gray hair, infertility, nocturnal emission; xiao ke, consumption
due to KD essence and yin deficiency, and Liver blood and yin deficiency)
- Benefits LV and KD; brightens eyes (Liver and Kidney
deficiency with eye problems: blurred vision, diminished visual acuity)
- Enriches Yin and Moistens LU (consumptive cough)
Special Notes:
- Gou Qi Zi and Ju Hua both brighten the eyes,
but Gou Qi Zi is more for deficiency eye problems and Ju Hua is more for excess LYR eyes problems.
- Goji berry is often used as food, especially in soups or congee.
- To enhance vision make a trail mix with equal parts goji berry, plums, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and pine nuts. eat a small handful daily.[22]
- To tonify blood (for anemia) make a soup with 1/4 cup dried goji berries, red jujube date, dan gui root, astragalus root, and fresh ginger root. Eat daily until anemia improves.
- For tinnitus make a tea by boiling 1/4 cup dried goji berries and 1/2 cup chrysanthemum blossoms in 4 cups water. Boil for 15 minutes, strain, and drink 3 cups daily. [22]
- (cc: SP def with dampness, loose stools)
- (cc: fever, common cold, flu)
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Folk remedies presented on this site are designed to address specifc TCM diagnoses, and are not one-size-fits-all. If you would like to learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and how it relates to Chinese Nutrition, you can book in a free call with a licensed professional. There is no obligation to purchase. [CLICK HERE for your free INITIAL CONSULTATION] |