Public Formulas:

Powder Formulas:

- Xiao Yao San (Classical) 逍遥散 - Free and Easy Wanderer
- Si Wu Tang 四物汤 - Four Substances Decoction (Evergreen)
- Ba Zheng San 八正散 (Evergreen)
- Si Ni San - 四逆散 - Frigid Extremities Powder (Evergreen)
- Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan - 金匱腎氣丸 - Rehmannia 8 Formula - Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet
- Yu Ping Feng San - 玉屏風散 - Jade Windscreen (Evergreen)
- You Gui Wan 右歸丸 - Restore the Right Pill
- Wan Dai Tang 完帶湯 - End Discharge Decoction
- Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Evergreen) 半夏厚朴汤 - Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction
- Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin 天麻芶藤飲 (Evergreen)
- Liu Jun Zi Tang 六君子湯 - Six Gentlemen Decoction (Evergreen)
- Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地黄丸
- Er Chen Tang 二陈汤 - Two Old Drugs - Citrus and Pinellia
- Qi Ju Di Huang Wan 杞菊地黄丸 (Evergreen)
- Xiao Jian Zhong Tang 小建中湯 - Minor Construct the Middle Burner Decoction
- Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang 半夏白朮天麻湯 (Evergreen)

Raw Herb Formulas:

- Xiao Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡汤 - Minor Bupleurum Decoction
- Artery Renewal Formula


Classical Formulas:

- Xiao Yao San (Classical) 逍遥散 - Free and Easy Wanderer
- Si Wu Tang 四物汤 - Four Substances Decoction (Evergreen)
- Ba Zheng San 八正散 (Evergreen)
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡汤 - Minor Bupleurum Decoction
- Si Ni San - 四逆散 - Frigid Extremities Powder (Evergreen)
- Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan - 金匱腎氣丸 - Rehmannia 8 Formula - Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet
- Yu Ping Feng San - 玉屏風散 - Jade Windscreen (Evergreen)
- You Gui Wan 右歸丸 - Restore the Right Pill
- Wan Dai Tang 完帶湯 - End Discharge Decoction
- Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
- Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Evergreen) 半夏厚朴汤 - Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction
- Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin 天麻芶藤飲 (Evergreen)
- Liu Jun Zi Tang 六君子湯 - Six Gentlemen Decoction (Evergreen)
- Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地黄丸
- Er Chen Tang 二陈汤 - Two Old Drugs - Citrus and Pinellia
- Qi Ju Di Huang Wan 杞菊地黄丸 (Evergreen)
- Xiao Jian Zhong Tang 小建中湯 - Minor Construct the Middle Burner Decoction
- Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang 半夏白朮天麻湯 (Evergreen)

Custom Formulas:

- Si Wu Tang plus Ba Zheng San
- Anti-cough Runfei Soup
- 止風寒湯-Stop Wind-Cold Decoction
- Inflammatory Tea
- Artery Renewal Formula

Proprietary Formulas:

- Jian Bu Qiang Shen Wan (Beijing Tong Ren Tang)
- Classical Pearls Serpent
- classical pearls ease

Public Recipes:


- Congee For Headache due to Cold invasion
- Congee for Cough due to Cold with Constipation
- 28 oct porridge
- 28 oct porridge actual
- 5 nov modifications


- Cabbage Barley Soup
- Chicken and anchovy soup
- Harmonious Balance
- Runfei Chicken Soup
- Trader Joes Lentil Soup with Ancient Grains
- Veggie Soup in Turley Broth
- Chicken Soup
- Carrot Ginger Soup
- Pumpkin Squash Soup
- Creamy Split Pea Soup by Mao Shing ni
- Aniseed and Cabbage Soup
- Borscht
- Caldo Verde Soup


- Harmonious Balance


- Congee for Cough due to Cold with Constipation
- Paleo Meatloaf
- Indian Shrimp Curry
- mujadara
- potatoes with mustard greens
- grilled beef with cumin
- grilled trout
- black beans with onions
- Harmonious Balance
- Bean spread with mushrooms
- A Troop of Healing
- Post run dinner
- Corn tacos with Beef and Vegetables Topper, plus Side of Blackeyed Peas, Avocado, Tomato, and Cucumber for toppers
- overnight oats with seeds

Side Dishes:

- Pumpkin Date Spread w/ Brown Sugar (for bronchitis)
- roasted beet with grapefruit
- Nutritious Sweet Rice Cake
- grilled asparagus
- garbanzos with asafoetida
- challah bread
- quinoa salad
- Greens OK for PET scan
- Bean spread with mushrooms
- Sesame Cucumber
- Gomasio (Sesame Salt)
- Vegetable Walnut Paté
- Saltless Sauerkraut


- Porridge fruit and honey
- breakfast oats
- calif rolls
- overnight oats with seeds

Crockpot Recipes:

- Congee For Headache due to Cold invasion
- Congee for Cough due to Cold with Constipation
- Qi and Blood Moving Recipe
- Dinner 13 Sept
- Harmonious Balance
- Traditional Brazil
- Basic turkey-Pork Dog Food

Raw Foods:

- overnight oats with seeds

Baked Recipes:

- Paleo Meatloaf
- overnight oats with seeds


- Peach Banana Mango Smoothie
- Morning Juice


- Upbeat punch
- Harmonious Balance

Herbal Tea:

- Ginger Tea for Cough with aversion to Cold
- Chamomille Tea with Honey and Lemon

Your Recipe Book:

Throughout history recipes have been used for healing. Everyone knows about chicken soup for a common cold, right? But how about the reasoning behind it? For starters chicken helps to tonify the blood which can enhance immunity. Because it is served warm it helps to chase out cold from the system. Finally most chicken soup is made with a variety of pungent herbs. To help expel wind from a common cold, some of the best choices would be basil, ginger, oregano, thyme, and sage for instance.

There is a unique Chinese healing recipe to address almost any energetic imbalance. By learning about Chinese medical diagnostics, and by receiving a TCM diagnosis from a qualified practitioner, you can apply the principles of Chinese nutrition to your life.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food.

- Hippocrates

Ancient Chinese recipes exist by the tens of thousands. Below are a few of the traditional recipes that were used for healing various maladies by means of traditional Chinese nutrition.

Classical Recipes for Health:

    Cold and Flu
  • Cough and aversion to cold: Decoction of Ginger(10g), Brown Sugar(15g), and Tea(7g) - Wash the ginger, then decoct w/ tea and dissolve. Take after meal. [View Analysis]
  • Fever due to cold, headache, and anhidrosis: Decoct Walnut(25g), Bulb of Green Chinese Onion(25g), Ginger(25g), and Tea(15g). Pound the walnut, onion, and ginger. Decoct clay pot w/ 1.5 bowls water. Drink & lie under quilt and avoid exposure to wind.
  • Nasal obstruction w/ runny nose; cough w/ thin phlegm; anorexia; etc: Cut fresh ginger (30g) into slices and cook with parched rice (50g) until it becomes gruel. Season w/ light salt and peanut oil.
  • Cold: Prepare a bowl of noodles w/ some green onion and a little white pepper. Eat hot and lie under a quilt to induce sweating.
  • Cough due to cold and/or bronchitis: Stew one cleaned pig heart over soft fire for about 1 hour. Season w/ some table salt. Wash salt off pig heart and eat it hot. Curative effect will be felt after 1 or 2 doses have been taken.
  • Fever, thirst, dysphoria, burning dark urination due to cold in summer, anorexia, poor digestion: Squeeze some Watermelon and Tomato juice (fresh). Combine together and drink.
  • Headache due to cold, heartstroke, or apoplexy: Clean, smash and extract juice from a Big White Radish. Put drops on nose several times per day.
  • Headache due to cold: Prepare gruel with 100g glutinous rice, once rice is cooked add 10 bulbs of Chinese green onion and 3 cloves garlic and continue to boil a moment. Take all gruel hot at a time and lie under a quilt. [View Analysis]
  • Running nose at the first stage of cold: Take 3 cloves of garlic and suck on them one at a time until their flavor has gone out.
  • Influenza w/ Sore Throat: Wash the mung bean (50g) clean, pound it, and put it together with green tea (5g) and crystal sugar(15g) in a bowl and let them infuse in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  • Cold (especially for elderly, young, and/or women in child birth): Cook 100g rice into a thin gruel. Add 1 sliced apple and 30g raisins, cook 5 more minutes. Take hot and lie under a quilt to induce sweating.

  • Cough: Infuse 2g tea w/ 2g tangerine peel and 30g brown sugar in hot water for 6 minutes. Take one dose after lunch every day.
  • Cough w/ constipation: Add 1 snow pear 500g to white spirits 1000g and let soak 7 days stirring spirits every third day. Drink.
  • Early stage cough w/ thin phlegm, headache, and nasal obstruction: Cook 60g glutinous rice into gruel w/ bulb of green onion (5 pcs each 3 cm long) and 5 ml rice vinegar. Eat hot.
  • Cough due to senile chronic bronchitis: Cook 500g peeled pumpkin w/ 12-20 chinese dates and some brown sugar. Eat. [View Analysis]
  • Chronic bronchitis; dry cough w/ little phlegm: In clear water cook 100-150g peanuts w/ some crystal sugar. Drink decoction and eat peanuts.
  • Cough due to cold; constipation: After soaking 20g apricot kernel in warm water skin and pestle them. Grind apricot kernel into 3000 ml clear water and boil this liquid w/ washed rice until the rice is overdone. Put in sugar and mix it well w/ the gruel. Take the gruel warm in the morning and in the evening every day. [View Analysis]
  • Cough w/ abundant expectoration of phlegm: Decoct 1 radish in 3 bowls water until radish is done. Then add 6 bulbs green onion and 15g ginger and decoct until only 1 bowl water remains. Take decoction together w/ the dregs.
  • Cough due to cold; diarrhea after child birth: In 3 bowls water decoct 30g brown sugar 15g fresh ginger and 30g chinese dates.
  • Cough due to pulmonary tuberculosis: boil 300 ml horse milk and add some white sugar before drinking.
  • Persistant chronic cough: Decoct for 1 hour: 1 radish, 1 pig's lung, and 15 g apricot kernel. Eat pig's lung w/ the soup.
  • Chronic cough: Beat 1 egg in a bowl. Dissolve sugar into half bowl water and heat till boiling. Pour boiled water in the egg and stir. Add fresh ginger juice to the water and mix it well. Take soup once in the morning and once in evening each day.
  • Persistant nocturnal cough; non-productive cough: In hot water Infuse 15g uncooked sesame seed w/ 10g crystal sugar
  • Cough due to senile bronchitis: Cook 60g peanuts (either boil or roast) and eat peanuts every day until cough is fully cured.
  • Chronic cough: Take 3 ml sugarcane extract w/ 15 ml water chestnut extract. Mix w/ warm water and take.
  • Dry cough w/ little phlegm: Beat 2 eggs in a bowl of water and eat them after stewing them in 50 ml vinegar.
  • Cough; asthma: wash 100g chinese chives clean, chop it, mix it with the 2 eggs and fry the mixture in oil. Eat as a snack.

  • Cough with asthma (hard and dry cough): Put 50g well washed walnut kernels in a jar w/ 500g white spirits. Seal it hermetically and let sit 15 days, stirring every other day. Take 15g of the liquid at a time, 3 times per day.
  • Senile asthma: extract juice from 250g ginger and 250g black sesame. Melt 200g crystal sugar by heating it. Roast sesame seeds w/ fresh ginger juice and heat mxture until dry. Then mix the dried mixture w/ 200g honey and sugar. Take an infusion of 1 spoon full in hot water, once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Asthma w/ abundant expectoration: Roast 20g radish seeds and skin the apricot kernel. Put them in 1.5 bowls hot water in a pot and decoct until only half bowl of decoction is left. Take the drink twice per day.
  • Hemoptysis (spitting blood) due to pulmonary tuberculosis: Cook 200g lean pork and 4 red onions in water and eat.
  • Hemoptysis (spitting blood) due to pulmonary tb: Cut 1 section fresh lotus root into slices and dip in sugar before eating
  • Debility due to pulmonary tuberculosis: Cook 125g Chinese chives with 175g clam meat in water. Can eat with cooked rice.
  • Low fever, hectic fever due to pulmonary tuberculosis: Cook 500g eel in yellow rice or millet w/ some wine and vinegar. eat.

    Stomach Ache
  • Epigastralgia: Smash 250g of old ginger to extract its juice, and boil the water 10 times. Dissolve 250g brown sugar in mixture to make a jelly. Take jelly once in the morning and once in the evening for 4 consecutive days.
  • Gastric ulcer; duodenal ulcer: Put the 6-10g dried rose petals in a tea cup, pour in hot water and cover. Drink infusion.
  • Gastrospasm: Wash and boil 500g cabbage for 1 hour. Remove cabbage from water, use water to cook rice gruel. Eat gruel twice per day.
  • Gastric Ulcer: Warm 150g honey by putting container in simmering water, take 3x per day
  • Stomach ache; acid regurgitation: Take 1 chicken egg shell and clean it. Parch in pot until it becomes yellow. Grind into fine powder. Take infusion of powder in hot water daily.
  • Neurosal stomach ache; nausea; vomiting: Extract the juice from 100g potato and 10g fresh ginger and mix with 30 ml tangerine juice. Warm the combined juice by putting the container in hot water. Take 30 ml juice in 3 equal portions each day.
  • Gastric ulcer; duodenal ulcer; burning pain in gastric cavity; hematochezia due to acute or chronic gastritis: remove thorns of fresh cactus, wash. Slice it and dry in the sun. When dry grind to powder. Take 1g powder in lukewarm boiled water twice a day on an empty stomach.
  • Chronic ulcer; poor appetite; constipation: Wash 50g shelled peanuts clean, let soak in water 30 minutes, remove from water. pound them. boil the milk, put pounded peanuts and stew the milk over soft fire for a while. Remove it from fire, leave it to cool off and mix it with 30 ml honey

  • Hiccups; Regurgitation; Vomiting after Eating: Boil 250 ml of milk, let cool until lukewarm. Add 60 ml Chinese Chives juice and 15 ml fresh ginger juice. Drink any time.
  • Persistant Vomiting: Add 3 spoonfuls boiled water to 1 spoonful fresh ginger juice and 2 spoonfuls honey. Steam the mixture and drink it any time.
  • Regurgitation and Vomiting with bitter taste; anorexia: Mix 50 ml sugar cane juice with 30g honey. Take the mixture twice per day in the morning and evening.
  • Loss of appetite with hiccups; diarrhea; and dystentary in summer and autumn: Prepare a gruel with 60g roasted white Hyacinth beans (or 120g fresh beans) and 100g rice. Eat gruel morning and evening.
  • Anorexia; Vomiting; antidote to food poisoning caused by fish or crabs: Add 15g dry clean tangerine peel to 100g rice with some white sugar and make a gruel. Take regularly.
  • Vomiting: Wash a few fresh mangos and keep in plastic bag to maintain freshness.
  • Regurgitation; Vomiting: add 1 washed pulped mango to 50g honey. Eat it in 2 portions.
  • Regurgitation; Vomiting: Remove fat from mutton and cook until done, flavor it with garlic to taste.

  • Maldigestion: Infuse 6g tea in hot water for 6 minutes, strain the tea. Cook 100g of washed rice in the tea until it becomes gruel. Eat once per day.
  • Malnutrition due to Maldigestion: Heat 25g cooking oil and add 100g shredded pork, some chopped chinese onion, and some fresh ginger dust. Then add 250g shredded carrot to some vinegar, soy sauce, and salt to taste.... continue to fry. When the pork is done season it with gourmet powder, coriander, and sesame oil to taste.
  • Maldigestion: Smash 2 dried figs and roast until half brown. Add some white sugar to hot water and drink the infusion. [View Analysis]
  • Anorexia; Maldigestion; Epigastric distension after meal: Shred and wash 150g white radish, fry in soya-bean oil until half done, add 60g mashed pork to make stuffing. Prepare pastry shell by mixing water and flour and rolling out. Make meat pies and bake in a pan.
  • Anoerxia; Maldigestion: Cook 80g rice in water, add 100g pineapple and 50g honey and boil the gruel at least 10 minutes. Eat warm once per day.

  • Constipation: Infuse 3g tea and 2 ml honey in hot water. Drink 1 cup after meal.
  • Constipation with hard and dry bowel movements, dysporia: Extract the juice of some Chinese Cabbage and boil it. Take it as a drink.
  • Senile Constipation: Put 30g honeysuckle and 2 bowls of water in a pot and boil it until only one bowl is left. Strain the decoction and add honey to it. Take the decoction twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Habitual Constipation: Mix 1 cup Chinese chives juice with half a cup of white spirits and half a cup of boiled water. Drink.
  • Constipation; anuresis: Heat 250g white spirit until it simmers, then put in lard and keep the white spirit boiling for a moment. Divide the whole decoction into 2 doses. Take it warm before meal. If symptoms remain, take another dose.
  • Constipation: Mix 10g sesame seed, 10g pine nut, 10g walnut, 10g roasted peach kernel, 10g sweet almond and grind into a powder. Cook into a gruel with 200g rice, and when done add some sugar. Eat in the morning and evening.
  • Constipation with hard and dry bowel movement: Peel 250g Taro, cut into cubes and cook gruel with 50g rice. Season with salt and cooking oil.
  • Constipation: Wash 100g fresh spinach clean, soak in hot water until half done then fish it out and cut into pieces. Cook gruel with 100g rice and, when done, put in spinach. Stir the gruel and continue heating until it boils. Take the gruel twice per day.
  • Senile Constipation: Cook 30g rice in water until it becomes gruel. Put in pestled pine nut kernels and keep the gruel boiling for a while. Take on empty stomach.
  • Constipation: Boil some carrot until it is done and eat it with honey. Take 250g-500g each time, twice a day.
  • Constipation; hypertension: Roast 25g black sesame seed until they are half done. Dust a large whole banana in the seeds, then eat banana in 3 portions in the same day.
  • Habitual Constipation: Boil 250 ml milk with 100 ml honey and a little green Chinese onion juice. Take each morning after boiling.
  • Constipation with weak constitution: Peel 2 bananas and steam them with crystal sugar until they become soft. Take twice a day for several consecutive days.
  • Constipation due to caducity: Decoct 1000g fresh mulberry, strain off the liquid, add the same amount of water and decoct again. Combine the 2 decoctions together and heat the combined decoction over a slow fire until it becomes thick and sticky. Add 300g honey and heat until it boils. Remove it from the fire, leave it cool and preserve it in a bottle. Take 20 ml of the syrup with some warm water 2-3 times per day.
  • Constipation: Soak 150g black sesame seed, 100g apricot kernel, and 150g rice in water. Mash them and cook them together. Eat the mash after adding some sugar to it.
  • Habitual Constipation: Boil 200g sliced pork for an hour. Then add 500g of peeled sliced wax gourd and 20g of peeled fresh shrimps. Boil until the soup becomes thick and smells good. Add gourmet powder to it. Eat the custard with bread or cooked rice in a meal. Take often.
  • Constipation; Anorexia for children, alcoholic intoxication: Peel 1000g sugar cane then chop it and squeeze its juice out.  Add some sugar to the juice. Drink all the juice in one dose. Take often.

  • Diarrhea; thirst: Add a little vinegar to a cup of strong tea and drink.
  • Enteritis; bacillary dysentary: Infuse 6g green tea and 3g dried ginger juice in boiled water for 10 minutes and take as a drink. Stop drinking as soon as diarrhea has stopped. Caution not to use this recipe often.
  • Protracted Dysentary: Grind 5g pomegranate rind into powder and boil it in water. Take as a drink.
  • Acute Diarrhea: Boil some white spirit and pour it on 2 shelled hen's eggs.
  • Watery Diarrhea: Cook one clove garlic with brown sugar in some white spirit.
  • Diarrhea: Skin 50g lotus seeds and remove the kernels. Wash them and put in jar of 500 ml white spirit. Seal the jar hermetically and let them infuse for 15 days, stir every other day. Take 15-20 ml of the liquid at a time, twice a day.
  • Chronic Enteritis: Cook a gruel with 120g fresh Chinese yam and 100g rice. Eat the gruel in morning and evening.
  • Chronic Gastroenteritis: Cook gruel with 15g Chinese dates and 60g glutinous rice. Soak the dates for 1 hour first.  Eat in morning and evening. 
  • Chronic Gastroenteritis: Cook gruel with 5g Ginseng and 100g glutinous rice. Add a little sugar. Eat gruel in morning and evening.
  • Diarrhea: Cook 250g mutton and 500g Chinese yam until soft. Add some glutinous rice and water and cook into gruel.
  • Diarrhea before dawn: Pestle 50g fresh lychee, 10g Chinese yam, and 10g Lotus seed. Cook in water until soft then add some washed rice and cook into a thin gruel. Eat the gruel in the evening.
  • Anorexia; Watery Diarrhea: Roast 100g rice until brown, cook in water until it becomes gruel. Eat any time.
  • Protracted Diarrhea: Grind 50g Chinese Yam and sift the powder through a sieve. Cook the powder in some water for a while, then add 2 hen's egg yolks. Take 3 times a day on empty stomach.
  • Diarrhea before dawn: Start with equal amounts of wheat flour, glutinous rice, and Chinese dates. Parch the wheat flour and rice until they become yellow. Stone the Chinese dates, bake it dry and grind all of the above into a fine powder. Take an infusion of 25-50g of powder in hot water for each dose.
  • Chronic Diarrhea: Parch 250g rice flour and 250g wheat flour in an iron pot. Let cool. Take an infusion of the flour in a hot water after adding some sugar. Drink any time.
  • Pollakicoprosis; failing appetite; ochrasis: Boil some lotus seed kernels in water until they beome soft, wrap them in gauze and press into mash. Mix the mash with washed glutinous rice and steam. After it cools, press into patties, carve them up, and dust with sugar..
  • Chronic Gastroenteritis: Boil 1 or 2 duck eggs in vinegar. Eat with vinegar. [View Analysis]
  • Chronic Gastroenteritis: Roast some rice and fresh ginger in an iron pot until it becomes dark. Grind into fine powder. Take an infusion of 5g powder before meal in fresh ginger soup.
  • Chronic Diarrhea: Wash some fresh Chinese Toon leaf clean and leave it to dry. Pickle it in table salt of a tenth of the leaf's weight for several days, dry it in sun and preserve it for use.
  • Diarrhea: Beat 1 hen's egg in a bowl, add 10g white sugar, pour in 100 ml white spirit and stir. Light the white spirit, stir the white spirit while it is burning until all the white spirit is burnt out and egg rises like a flower. Eat the egg after it cools.
  • Diarrhea: Beat 3 hen's eggs, cut 15g fresh ginger into small pieces. Mix the egg with fresh ginger, some table salt and green Chinese onion. Fry them in cooking oil until they become a patty. Boil the fried egg in 15 ml rice vinegar and eat as a snack.

  • Acute Bacillary Dysentary: Roast 60g Hawthorn fruit over soft fire until it turns light brown, remove it from fire, mix it with 30 ml white spirit and boil in 200 ml water for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid and put it in brown sugar. Take the liquid hot in one draft, once a day.
  • Dysentary: Pulp the figs and cook them with sugar in clear water in an earthenware pot. Take all of the decoction including the flesh of the figs.
  • Acute and chronic dysentary in old age: Boil 30g purple skin garlic in water and fish it out. Using the garlic water add 100g glutinous rice and cook into a thin gruel. Put the garlic back in the pot and continue cooking the gruel for a moment. Take the gruel once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Dysentary: Pulp 2 bulbs garlic and let it infuse in hot water for half a day. Strain off the infusion and drink after adding a little white and brown sugar.
  • Dysentary: Boil 100g green tea in water until the infusion is condensed to 300 ml. Take 100 ml of the hot infusion with 10 ml of vinegar at a time, 3 times a day. If you suffer from insomnia avoid drinking at night. [View Analysis]
  • Bacillary Dysentary: Wash some grapes and some fresh ginger, chop, and wrap in gauze to squeeze out their juices. Take 50 ml of grape juice and 50 ml fresh ginger juice and add some honey to it. Take it hot in one draft.
  • Dysentary: Pound 9g fresh ginger, and 1 beaten hen's egg. Mix them and steam them until they are done. Take them twice a day on an empty stomach.
  • Dysentary with blood and mucus: Boil 300 ml of water and dissolve 120g brown sugar in it. Add 1 beaten hen's egg and continue boiling the water until the egg is done. Take the egg in a draft, twice a day, for 3 consecutive days as a course of treatment.
  • Dysentary: Put 2 bulbs of one-clove-garlic in a pot over fire, beat the egg over the garlic, cover the pot tightly and heat it until the garlic is cooked. Take it on an empty stomach and continue taking until disease is cured. Note: One clove garlic is a variant of garlic which consists of only one clove.
  • Dysentary with bloody stool: Wash 250g of grapes, squeeze the juice out, mix the juice with brown sugar and drink the mixture. Take several times per day until cured.
  • Chronic and persistant Dysentary: Cook a gruel with 50g fresh bamboo shoot and 100g rice. Eat warm as a breakfast or supper, once a day, for 10 consecutive days as a course of treatment.
  • Dysentary; Urinary Tract Infection: Prepare 100g rice into a gruel then add 80g Chinese toon pieces, salt, sesame oil, and continue cooking for a moment. Take warm once per day for 7 conseutive days.

  • Acute Hepatitis: Infuse 6g black tea and 36g glucose in boiled water until the infusion turns blood red, add water to get 500 ml of solution. Drink it all before noon for 7 days in a row. Repeat for 2 entire courses. For children use half the dosage of tea and glucose in 500 ml water.
  • Acute Infectious Hepatitis: Grind some green tea and mix with honey, roll into 3g pills. Take one pill at a time 3 or 4 times a day consecutively for 2-3 weeks.
  • Acute or Chronic Hepatitis; Night blindness; Anemia: Wash 100g of pig liver, and 100g Chinese onion. Soak the pig liver w/ some fresh ginger in soy sauce. Cook a gruel with 100g rice and when done add the pig liver. Continue heating the gruel for a little while and put in some sesame oil and chopped green onion. Take often.  Use organic when possible.
  • Chronic Hepatitis; Cirrhosis of liver: Decoct 50g Chinese date, 50g Peanut, and 50g Brown sugar in water and take once per day for 30 days as a course of treatment.
  • Ascites due to cirrhosis of liver: Boil 250g ham and 120g red phaseolus bean until it makes a thick broth. Take 1 bowl of the broth every day for 7 weeks..
  • Chronic Hepatitis: Wash 450g fresh tomato and 100g and cut into cubes. Slice 100g beef and cook them together with some cooking oil, table salt, and sugar in water. Take with bread or cooked rice.
  • Hepatitis; Cirrhosis of the liver: Wash some silkworm chrysalises. Heat oil in a pot until hot, the stir fry the silkworm chrysalises. Strain off most of the oil, leaving just enough to add and stir fry some green Chinese onion, fresh ginger, garlic, and table salt.
  • Chronic Hepatitis: Peel a pear and let it soak in vinegar for 3 days. Use often for best effect.
  • Chronic Hepatitis: Boil 100g mung bean and 50g Chinese date until they become very soft and then add 100g sugar.
  • Chronic persistant Hepatitis with complication of high fever: Smash and wash 500g pig bone from a fresh pig carcass, cook it with 200g white sugar and 200g brown sugar in 1000g mature rice vinegar until it boils. Do not add water. Move it to slow heat and simmer 20 minutes. Strain the broth and keep it in refrigerator. Take broth half hour before meals 3 times each day. Adult dose is 30-40 ml while children under 10 need take only 15-20 ml. A course lasts 30 days and usually 2 or 3 courses are necessary.

    Acute infectious hepatitis, diseases of biliary tract, hemolytic jaundice
  • Icterohepatitis: Wash 1000g purple aubergine clean and cut it into pieces, prepare a gruel with it in 150g rice. Take for several consecutive days.
  • Acute icterohepatitis: Decoct 100g Chaff in two bowls of water until one bowl of decoction is left. Strain off the decoction, beat 2 hen's eggs, and mix 50g honey with it. Continue boiling until the eggs are done. Take once a day.
  • Infectious icterohepatits: Decoct 60g soy bean and 45g Peking cabbage and take the decoction.
  • Icterohepatitis: Cut a hole in 1 hen's egg and insert 7 pieces of white pepper through the hole before sealing the hole with paste. Wrap the egg with a pieces of moist paper and steam the egg. Eat the egg after shelling it. Dosage for 2 adults is 2 eggs per day. For children its 1 egg per day. 10 days makes a course of treatments. Leave an interval of 3 days between two courses of treatments.
  • Acute Icterohepatits: Cook a soup with 200-400g celery and 50-100g Chinese dates. Take it in separate doses.
  • Icterohepatitis, hepatosplenomegaly: Melt 90g leaf lard and leave it to cool off, take all in one draft.
  • Icterus: Wash 10-20 river snails in clean water, remove the shells, mix the flesh with half cup of yellow rice or millet wine and stew them over a slow fire. Take once a day as a soup.

    Edema, Ascites (Due to Bilharzial infection, nephritis, and Ascites due to cirrhosis)
  • Ascites due to cirrhosis; edema due to acute nephritis and chronic nephritis: Wash 1 watermelon and cut a triangular hole in it, put a skinned garlic into it and cover with the triangular piece of rind that was removed. Steam the whole watermelon. Take watermelon flesh hot 3 times per day.
  • Ascites due to portal hypertension: Descale 1 whole erucian carp and boil it with red phaseolus bean in water until they are very soft. Strain the decoction and take hot without any seasoning for consecutive days.
  • Ascites due to late stage schistosomiasis: Soak 400g mung bean in water for 4 hours, put in 2 bulbs (skinned) garlic and heat water until boiling. Then simmer until mung beans are very soft and season with a little white sugar. Take soup in 3 separate doses each day for 7 consecutive days as a course of treatment. If patient is not improving after 2 courses of treatment then discontinue treatment.
  • Edema of lower extremity: Defeather 1 hen and stew it in some white spirit until done.
  • Edema due to malnutrition: Prepare a gruel with 50g corn, 25g white hyacinth bean, and 50g Chinese dates. Take once a day.
  • Edema: Prepare gruel with some duck meat and rice and eat after seasoning it with salt, twice a day.
  • Edema: Put 60g wax-gourd peel, 60g broad beans, and 3 bowls of water in a pot and decoct until 1 bowl of water remains. Strain off the soup and take it 3-4 times per day.
  • Edema due to chronic nephritis: Boil 500 ml sheep milk and add some white sugar. Take it once every morning.
  • Ascites: Gut 1 crucian carp and cook it with 100g wax gourd peel until very soft. Take twice a day.
  • Edema: Cut 30g garlic into slices and stir-fry it for a moment in 15g hot cooking oil. Put 15 pieces of Chinese date, 100g peanut kernels, and 2 bowls of water and decoct until soft for eating.
  • Edema: Cut 100g catfish open, gut it but reserve the mucus on its body. Cut into sections, and season with soy sauce, vinegar, ginger dust, and green Chinese onion..
  • Edema: Cook 120g Kelp with some rice vinegar. Avoid this recipe in cases of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, or hyperhydrochloria.
  • Anasarca: Pound 6g apricot kernel and mix it with the yolk of 1 hen's egg. Mix well. Pour in boiling hot water and take the infusion as a draft once a day. For best results lie under a blanket after eating to promote sweating.
  • Edema: Cook 30g black soy bean, 90g millet, and 2 hen's eggs until the eggs are cooked. Remove the shells and continue cooking until the gruel is done. Take the gruel at the same time each night. For best results wrap in blanket after eating to promote sweating.

    Pyelonephritis, Cystitis, Urethritis, Calculus of urinary system
  • Acute urinary tract infection: Infuse 10g bamboo leaf and 5g tea in hot water and take every day as a drink.
  • Difficult urination: Add 5 bowls water to 200g jellyfish and 9 water chestnuts. Decoct until nothing is left. Take as a draft.
  • Cystitis, vesical calculus, senile hematuria: Roast some peanut kernels until they are done to obtain half tea-cup of their skins. Pound the skins into a fine powder and take an infusion of the powder in hot water.
  • Calculus of urinary tract system: Wash 250g mustard leaf and cut into pieces. Beat 1 hen's egg and cook the above in water to prepare soup. Take the soup as a draft before noon. Keep on eating the soup until the illness is cured.
  • Calculus of urinary tract; constipation: Pound 100g walnut kernel and prepare a gruel with 50g rice and 50g sugar. Take the gruel for supper for 7 to 20 consecutive days as a course of treatment. Avoid in case of loose stools.
  • Prevention and cure of Kidney stone: Wash 500g lemon clean, cut into cubes and squeeze juice out. Add sugar to juice and keep under low temperature. Take cool or add hot boiled water. Take any time.

    Kidney - Nephritis
  • Nephritis (acute or chronic): Keep 1 live tortoise (500-700g) in clear water for 3-4 days so that it will vomit out all the impurities from its stomach. Cut off its head and discard. Chop the tortoise and stew it in water along with 50-100g red phaseolus bean in an earthenware pot until the tortoise meat is overdone. Take all with the soup in one day and repeat for several consecutive days. Avoid salt.
  • Chronic Nephritis: Deplume 1 mallard and wash clean, stuff 50g garlic into it and cook in water to make a soup. Eat both the soup and the meat. Consume 1 mallard per 2 days, and repeat several times.
  • Chronic Nephritis: Boil 400g of fresh sheep milk and take in morning and evening for 1 month.
  • Early stage and resoration stage nephritis; UTI; nephrotic syndrome: Gut one carp (500g) and de-scale it. Peel 500g wax-gourd and stew in clear water. Take the soup with the carp, twice a day.
  • Edema due to Chronic Nephritis: Prepare 150g red phaseolus bean and 250g wax gourd into a soup. Take frequently for best effect.
  • Chronic Nephritis: Put 120g peanut kernels, 200g broad beans, and 3 bowls water into a pot and heat over soft fire until the mixture become thick and brown. Mix with 50g brown sugar and take twice a day.
  • Edema due to Nephritis: Remove the rind of 1 watermelon (1500g) and de-seed it. Squeeze the pulp to extract its juice and add 50g sugar to the juice. Take as drink. Best effects when taken frequently over a period of time.
  • Acute glomerulonephritis; chronic glomerulonephritis: Cut 500g beef into cubes, add a little salt, and stew with 250g broad beans in water in an earthenware pot until very soft.
  • Glomerulonephritis (acute or chronic): Soften 250g broad bean by soaking it in water, remove its skin and cook in water until it becomes very soft. While still hot, add 150g brown sugar and press it into pulp. Mold into patties with a bottle cap after it cools. Take consecutively.
  • Acute nephritis; anasarca; fever; oliguria; hematuria; acute pyelonephritis: Deplume and gut a Mallard and cut into cubes. Wash 500-1000g of wax-gourd and cut into thin slices. Stew the above in an earthenware pot until the meat is very soft. Take all the soup and meat (unsalted) all at once any time of day. Repeat for several consecutive days.

  • Thirst; dysphoria; polyuria: Decoct 2 slices of ginger, 4.5g table salt, and 6g green tea and prepare as 500 ml of soup. Take in several doses.
  • Thirst and/or hard and dry bowel movement: Decoct 100g Spinach root and 10g white jellyfish in water and take soup twice a day.
  • Frequent urination due to diabetes: Decoct 10 silkworm chrysalises in hot water and drink twice a day as a decoction.
  • Diabetes: Dry some black fungus and hyacinth bean in the sun and when dry pound into powder. Take infusion of 9g powder in hot water.
  • Diabetes: Peel some fresh and tender bamboo shoot and cut into oblong slices. Let it infuse in soy sauce for a moment, then remove and fry in simmering vegetable oil until yellow.
  • Xerostemia, thirst, polydipsia, polyuria due to diabetes: Scrape 1 wax gourd to collect spore like efflorescence and infuse in hot water. Take twice a day for 2-3 days if symptoms are severe.
  • Diabetes: Cook 1000g corn seed in water until they pop. Eat them in 8 separate doses as one course of treatment.
  • Diabetes: Pound 6g ginseng into powder, mix well with 1 hen's egg white and eat all in one dose. Take once a day for 10 days as a single course of treatment.
  • Anemia; Diabetes: Cook 100g rice and 50g wolfberry into a gruel and take warm once per day. Best effects when taken frequently for some time.
  • Diabetes: Peel some white radish, wash it clean, chop it and squeeze out the juice. Take 100-150 ml of the juice at a time for 7-10 consecutive days as a course of treatment.

    Coronary Heart Disease
  • Coronary heart disease; arteriosclerosis; hypertension: Prepare 10g hot tea in a cup and add 50g banana and a little honey. Take once daily.
  • Coronary heart disease; diabetes: Prepare a paste by mixing 60g corn flour and clear water. Slowly add the paste to hot boiling water and continue heating for 15 minutes to make a gruel. Add some oil and salt and take the gruel for breakfast or supper. Take regularly for best effects.
  • Coronary heart disease: Wash 200g kelp and boil. Rinse off the mucus and shred the kelp. Heat some sesame oil in a pot and heat to approximately 70% of its boiling pot. Fry the kelp until crisp then strain off the sesame oil and season the kelp with sugar and salt.
  • Angiosclerosis; hypertension; coronary heart disease: Soften 10g of Tremella and 10g black fungus in warm water, put them in a bowl with some water and 5g sugar. Steam for one hour then eat as a soup..
  • Angina pectoris due to coronary heart disease Wash 500g raw hawthorn fruits clean, remove their stems and stones. Cook them in water until 70 percent done. As the decoction is about to dry add 250g honey and simmer until it boils down to a jelly. Can or bottle the jelly and take regularly.

  • Hypertension: Decoct approximately 500g celery and 150g Chinese date. Take the decoction as 3 separate doses daily.
  • Hypertension: Prepare a gruel with 10g Chrysanthemum flower and 50g washed rice. When almost done cooking gruel add some white sugar and continue cooking until the rice is very soft. Take frequently for best results.
  • Hypertension; Myocardial infarction: Decoct 1 lemon and 10 water chestnuts in water, drink and/or eat contents. Take regularly.
  • Hypertension: Extract some fresh celery juice and add an equal amount of honey. Mix well and heat. Take 40 ml of the solution at a time, 3 times per day.
  • Hypertension: Pound 10 fresh hawthorn fruits and decoct with 30g sugar until soft. Take the decoction once per day.
  • Hypertension: Take 50g de-shelled sunflower seed along with 100g of extracted celery root juice. Take as a draft.
  • Hyperlipemia; hypertension: Soak and clean 150g kelp in water. Cut into pieces and cook together with 150g clean mung beans until they become very soft. Take with 150g brown sugar twice a day. Take repeatedly.
  • Hypertension: Infuse 3g Chrysanthemum flower, 3g Sophora flower, and 3g green tea for 5 minutes. Drink several doses throughout the day.
  • Hypertension: Soak 3g Oolong tea (or Dragon Well tea) and 10g Chrysanthemum flower in hot boiled water. Do not make the tea too strong or it may cause insomnia and tachycardia.
  • Hypertension: Wash 50g apple skin clean and bring to a boil in 450 ml water. Once it boils decoct for 5 minutes before adding 25g honey and 1g green tea. Divide the decoction into 3 doses and take 1 dose per day. Take warm.

    Stroke(Cerebrovascular accident)
  • Paralysis: Wash and sift 200g cherries of all impurities and infuse them in 500g white spirits in a hermetically sealed jar for 15-20 days. Stir the spirit every 2nd or 3rd day. Take 15-30g of the infusion at a time, twice a day.
  • Tetrapalegia; facial hemiparalysis: Roast some black soybean until it becomes brown, then infuse it in a half cup yellow rice wine (or millet wine). Take hot and lie under a blanket to promote sweating for a curative effect.
  • Facial paralysis due to stroke: Draw fresh blood from a rooster and smear it on the cheek if the symptoms are slight.
  • Facial paralysis due to stroke: Mix and equal amount of fresh carp's blood and white sugar. Mix well and smear on the opposite side of face. If the right side of face is paralyzed then smear on the left, etc.
  • Numbness of extremities; tenany: Roast 120g hen's egg until yellow, pound into a fine powder, and take an infusion of 6g powder in some yellow rice wine (or millet wine).
  • Aphasia due to stroke: Skin 2 garlic cloves, smash, and smear on the root of teeth.
  • Aphasia due to stroke: Wash some black soyabean and cook in water until the decoction boils down to a jelly. Keep it in mouth for a moment to swallow it down. Take several times a day.
  • Hemiparalysis due to stroke: Wash some black sesame seed and steam it 3 times. Dry it in the sun and when dry pound it into a fine powder. Roll into pills each weighing 10g by mixing with honey. Take one pill 3 times per day with a little yellow rice wine (or millet wine).

  • Roundworm, pinworm, infantile cestodiasis Pound some areca seed into a fine powder and take an infusion of 3g areca seed powder in warm boiled water. Take 3 times a day.
  • Abdominal pain due to roundworm: Take 30g of green plum and wash to remove impurities. Wash it clean and soak in yellow rice or millet wine. Put the mixture in a mug and steam for 20 minutes. Take 10-20 ml of the liquid at a time, twice per day.
  • Oxyuriasis: Beat 1 hen's egg and gry it in soyabean oil until it become a patty. Apply it to the anus before sleep for 7 consecutive days.
  • Pain around the navel or intestine due to obstruction by roundworm: Heat 60 ml seame oil in a pot until no smoke is seen. Put in 12g prickly ash peel and fry it until it becomes light brown. Remove the pot from the fire, and fish out the prickly-ash peel. Drink all the oil at once, when it becomes lukewarm. Warning: this recipe is not suitable in the case of lasting obstruction of intestines with obvious symptoms of toxicosis or intestinal necrosis.

  • Malaria: Remove the yolk from one hen's egg and beat the egg white. Mix with 20 ml white spirits and take as a draft once a week for prevention for 2-3 consecutive weeks. To cure acute malarial attack take as a draft and double the dosage. Take 2 hours before the attack when possible.
  • Persistent chronic malaria: Kill 1 soft shelled turtle, gut it and cut into cubes. Prepare the cubes and its crust and meat with 20g lard , some clear water, and a little salt. Cook in boiling water for 4 hours and take it warm.
  • Malaria: Warm 15-30g honey in some white spirit and mix well. Take half hour before onset of malarial attack. If the exact time of the attack in unknown then take this recipe 3 times per day.
  • Malaria: Wash one sheep's bone about 250g and smash it. Boil in water and take the broth 3 hours before the attack of malarial disease.
  • Malaria: Take one soft shelled turtle and remove its head, guts, and feet. Combine with some mutton, sugar, and salt and stew them together. Take one bowl of the soup and eat the meat every day.
  • Persistent Malarial Disease; Malarial tertiana; quartan malaria: Wash 100g red phaseolus bean and gut 1 paradise fish of China. Cook them together with some salt, 5g dried tangerine peel, 10 chinese dates, and 50g fresh ginger until they become very soft. Take it as a draft.

    Palpitation; Insomnia
  • Insomnia, palpitations, amnesia: Decoct 15g mulberry in water and take the decoction as a drink.
  • Insomnia, palpitations, amnesia: Soak 6g root of American ginseng in water and cut it into pieces. Wash 30g Longan aril and put them together a little sugar and clear water. Steam in a basin 40-50 minutes. Take the decoction once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Insomnia; night sweat Wash 50g wheat clean, soak in hot water until it becomes soft. Boil in water and strain off the decoction. Then cook 100g glutinous rice, 5 stoned Chinese dates, and 15g dried longan pulp in the decoction until they become a gruel. After adding about 20g white sugar take the gruel hot 2-3 times per day for 4-5 days as a single course of treatment.
  • Arrhythmia; spontaneous sweating; night sweat; insomnia Pestle 30g wild jujuba seed and decoct it in water until it becomes a thick decoction. Wash 100g rice and prepare a gruel. When gruel is half one add the jujuba seed decoction and continue cooking until the gruel is done. Take the gruel warm every night.
  • Arrhythmia: Boil 100 hen's eggs and de-shell them. Obtain the yolks and stew them over a soft fire until 500g of cream is extracted. Take a spoonful of the cream at a time, twice a day. Take consecutively.
  • Dizziness with dim sight; palpitations; amnesia; lassitude: Cook 20g wolfberry with 6 Chinese dates and 2 hen's eggs in water. Take once a day.
  • Palpitation, amnesia, insomnia: Beat a hen's egg in a bowl but do not stir. Add some white sugar and steam until half done. Stuff 6 pcs of dried longan pulp into the yolk and continue steaming the egg until done. Take the egg as a snack once a day. Take regularly.

  • Neurasthenia; hypomnesis; insomnia: Beat 1 hen's egg in a bowl and pour in 250g of hot boiled milk. Stir it slowly with a spoon and add 30g honey. Take it hot once a day for 10 consecutive days as a course of treatment. Take regularly.
  • Neurasthenia: Make a mixture of 50g de-shelled fresh shrimps, 50g minced lean pork, some salt, some starch, and one hen's egg white. Cook 10 quail eggs, de-shell them, cut into halves and dust some starch on them. Smear the egg halves with the mixture. Arrange them on a plate and steam over a strong fire for 5 minutes. Then boil a big bowl of water and add some chopped vegetables, salt, and the steamed quail egg to prepare a soup. Eat the soup with bread or rice for supper.

    Seminal Emission; Impotence; Premature ejaculation
  • Seminal emission: Prepare a decoction with 20 pcs Chinese chive seed in salt waterand take as a drink.
  • Hypogonadism; impotence: Wash 2 prawn and let them infuse in 250g white spirit in a covered jar for 7 days. Take 10-15g of the liquid twice a day.
  • Nocturnal emission; spermatorrhea; or spermaturia: Bake 100g Chinese chive seed until it dries. Pound it into a powder and make an infusion in some white spirit in 3 separate doses within one day.
  • Seminal abnormity; cloudy urine: Pound 50g walnut kernel and cook with some white rice and 15g wolfberry fruit to make a gruel. Take the gruel with bread or cooked rice regularly.
  • Enuresis; seminal emission: Wrap 25g of chive seeds in a gauze to decoct them in water. Add 100g rice to the decoction to cook into a gruel. Take the gruel twice a day.
  • Premature ejaculation: Stew 2 pig kidneys together with 30g walnut kernel until soft and eat.
  • Premature ejaculation: Fry 200g walnut kernels in oil until crisp. Grind them together with sugar into an emulsion or electuary. Take all of the emulsion as separate doses in 1 or 2 days.
  • Nocturnal emission; vexation: Dissolve some crystal sugar in warm water and leave some glutinous rice in the water for half a day. Wash several sections of lotus root clean and rid it of the joints. Fill the holes inside the lotus root with glutinous rice and cook until done. Take 1 or 2 sections of the lotus root every day. There are no adverse effects of over-consumption.
  • Impotence: Boil 30g of dried lychee and 50g lotus seed in some water and add 50g white sugar. Take the decoction with bread or cooked rice once a day for 7 consecutive days as a course of treatment..
  • Impotence, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Gastric ulcer: Clean, gut, and wash one eel and cut into cakes. Fry them in oil with some salt until half done. Add some clear water, cover the pot, and continue cooking over a strong fire for 20 minutes. Move it over to slow fire and continue heating it for half an hour. Season it with coriander and black pepper. Eat it with bread or cooked rice. Eat continuously for best result.

    Skin Disease
  • Inflammatory swelling, dog bite, burn: Infuse some tea leaves in water to soften them and apply them to the affected part. When the tea leaves dry replace them with some wet ones.
  • Spasm due to external wind invading skin: Mash 250g garlic to a pulp and boil it in 500g white spirit until the garlic becomes very soft. Store it in a bottle and take just 30 ml of the mixture at a time (along with the pulp). The mixture should induce sweating to produce a curative effect.
  • Boils or deep open sores that will not heal: Cut one loofah into pieces and pound it to extract its juice. Apply the juice to the sore or boil.
  • External skin diseases with swelling and pain: Wash 4 pig's feet clean, slice openings in them and stew them with some salt and 100g green Chinese onion. Cook until the meat is very soft. Take the meat with the soup in 2 separate doses. Take every day.
  • Early stage of furuncle: Fill 5 egg shells with 15g slaked lime and roast them over fire. Ground them into powder and mix with sesame oil. Apply the mixture to the furuncle.
  • Furuncle without suppuration: Mix 30g dried gypsum powder into a cream and apply it to the furuncle 2 or 3 times per day.
  • Colliculitis: Heat some sesame oil until it boils and smoke rises, then pour it out of the pot and let it cool. Dip the bulb of Chinese onion into the sesame oil and apply it to the area affected with colliculitis. Apply about every 30 minutes for 3 consecutive days.
  • Ulcer of lower limb: Wash some fresh fig and apply it to the ulcer with a bandage. Replace the bandage daily.
  • Ulcer of lower limb: Make a soy bean paste by washing and cooking some soy beans until they are swollen and half done. Remove the skins and then pound into paste. Apply the paste to the ulcer and replace the bandage daily.
  • To hasten healing of post-surgical wound after surgery: Cut some beef into small pieces and stew it with 10 Chinese dates in water over low fire. Take twice a day.
  • Chronic scabies and dermatitis with exudate: Pound one live crab and apply the mash on the affected part.
  • Chronic ulcer: Mix 2 portions of melted lard with one portion one portion of cooked egg yolk into an ointment. Heat and stir until the lard is very thin. Wash and disinfect the affected part and apply the ointment with a bandage..
  • Carbuncle of the neck: Cut 5g tobacco leaf into slices and roast until dry. Grind into dust and mix into a paste with 3g camphor and some honey. Apply the paste to the affected part.

    Scrofula (Tuberculosis of lymph node):
  • Scrofula, Mumps: Wash 200g rice with 100g celery (roots and all) and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer to make a gruel. Add salt and gourmet powder and take it for a meal.
  • Enlarged thyroid, scrofula with hard red swelling: Wash 1 Chinese yam and 3 castor seeds, pulp them, and mix them into a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area twice daily.
  • Early stage of thyroid enlargement: Wash 15g laver and soak 60g dry mussel in clear water. Simmer together in an earthenware pot and eat when done.
  • Thyroid enlargement: Wash some kelp and rinse well. Cook until soft, then remove and cut into thin shreds. Mix it with brown sugar in a bowl and leave it for half a day. Take regularly for best effect.
  • Tuberculosis of lymph node:Parch some cotton seeds, dry, and remove the skins. Add some white spirit and roast until done. Pestle into a fine powder and add some granulated sugar. Take 10g of powder 3 times a day for a month as a course of treatment.
  • Scrofula: Roast 50g glutinous rice and 100g sophora flower until yellow and grind them into a powder. Take 15g of the powder in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Tuberculosis of lymph node, chronic lymphadenitis: Wash 50g dried snail (or 100g fresh) and make a soup with 150g lean pork. Take the soup with the meat.

    Hemorrhoids; Anal Fistula:
  • Stewed bananas: Stew 2 un-peeled bananas in water and take the soup with its contents.
  • Hematochezia due to hemorrhoids: Heat a clean pot and when hot roast 60g black fungus until it turns from grey to black. Remove the fungus and set aside, then roast 15g black sesame seed until it emits a bit of its flavor. Add 1500 ml water and cook all the ingredients for 30 minutes. Sift the decoction through double layer gauze into a container. Take 100-200 ml of the decoction with 20-25g sugar. Take regularly for best effect.
  • Bleeding due to hemorrhoids: Wash 250g spinach roots and all and cut into sections. Cook 250g washed rice in water and continue heating over a slow fire until it becomes gruel. Add the spinach, heat for a moment, and add salt and gourmet powder before eating.
  • Hemorrhoids: Cook a soup with 100g lean pork and 50g sophora flower. Take once a day.
  • Proctoptosis: Decoct 60g pomegranate rind with 15g alum in water. Apply the decoction to the affected area each morning and evening until symptoms resolve.
  • Persistant Proctoptosis: Wash 120g Chinese date and boil it in 250g aged vinegar until the vinegar is dry. Eat the dates in 2 or 3 separate doses.
  • Bleeding from internal hemorrhoid: Cook 150g fresh pig skin with 300ml yellow rice wine (or millet wine) and 300ml water. Cook until very soft. Add 50g brown sugar and take the soup with contents in 2 separate doses in one day. Take for several consecutive days as needed.
  • Bleeding due to internal hemorrhoid: Cut some aubergine into slices and roast it to charcoal and pound into a fine powder. Take an infusion of 10g powder at a time, 3 times a day, for 10 consecutive days.
  • Internal or External Hemorrhoid: Wash 30g black fungus and stew it in just enough water to cover it. Stew it over a slow fire until it becomes a thick soup. Take as a draft.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding; Bleeding due to hemorrhoids: Soften 5g of black fungus or white jellyfungus by soaking it in warm water. Rid it of impurities and stems. Tear it into pieces and boil it with 100g rice and 5 Chinese dates. Continue heating them over a slow fire to make a gruel and then dissolve some crystaline sugar into the gruel. Avoid this recipe during pregnancy or if suffering from a cold with fever.

  • Parotitis in children causing malaise and red swelling: Cook 160g mung bean, 130g soy bean, and 120g brown sugar in water until they become very soft. Take any amount of soup at any time.
  • Parotits; ordinary carbuncle and swelling: Pulp some mature vinegar and garlic to make a paste and apply it to the affected part 1 to 3 times per day. Repeat until cured.
  • Early stage of acute parotitis: Wash several earthworms clean and put them in a clean bowl. Add a little granulated sugar and after a while of wriggling the earthworms will secrete a white mucus. Apply the secretion to the affected area and renew it when it dries. Repeat until cured.
  • Parotitis: Pound 70 red phaseolus beans into powder and mix in 1 hen's egg white to make a paste. Apply to affected area.
  • Epidemic parotitis: Mix 1g powdered pepper with 8g flour to make a paste. Apply with gause to the affected area for 3 consecutive days, renewing it every day
  • Parotitis in children: Wash 100g mung bean and cook it in some water until soft. Add 3 hearts of Peking cabbage and continue cooking for 20 minutes. Take the gruel in 2 doses per day, for 4-5 consecutive days.

  • Red swollen itching due to early stage frostbite: Shred 10-15g chili pepper and let it infuse in white spirit for 10 days. Strain off the liquid and spply it to the red and swollen area 3-5 times per day, taking care not to scratch the skin.
  • Frostbitten hand or foot: Burn some old loofah until it is reduced to ash and mix it with lard. Apply the mixture to frostbitten area.
  • Frostbite prevention on helix, hands, back, heel, etc: Roast 2 portions chili pepper, powder them, and add to 8 portions vaseline. Apply to vulnerable areas to prevent frostbite.
  • Frostbite: Wash 1 carrot and broil it over fire until done. Rub the affected part with the carrot repeatedly.
  • Frostbite that is red but not festering: Wash some white radish and cut into thick pieces. Broil it over fire and before sleep lightly rub the affected part with the radish until it becomes red. Apply repeatedly until cured.
  • Frostbite with ulcer: Grind some white pepper into a fine powder and decoct in water. Strain off the decoction and while still warm apply the white pepper decoction to the affected area with a bandage of absorbent cotton. Renew daily for 3-5 days until the ulcer is cured.

  • Burn where the blister does not fester: Soak some sterile gauze in fresh milk and apply to the burn.
  • Burn / Scald: Beat one hen's egg and mix the egg white with 15 ml white spirits. Apply the mixture to the burn.
  • Mild to Moderate burns with blisters and/or festering: Put 250g of quick lime in a jar with 1000 ml water. When the quick lime dissolves shakes the jar for 5-10 minutes. Repeat this 7 times, shaking every 30 minutes. Let it sit for 1 day and 1 night and about 250 ml of clear liquid from the top is obtained. Mix the clear liquid into an emulsion with 250 ml of unboiled sesame seed oil and apply this emulsion to the affected part 3 or 4 times per day. If the burns have blistered then cut the blisters with sterile scissors before applying the emulsion.
  • Minor burn: Take some potato and wash, chop, and pound it into a mash. Squeeze the mash into a gauze to obtain the juice. Apply the juice to the affected part.
  • Scald, burn, or wasp sting: Cut open an old cucumber and remove the seeds. Wrap it in gauze and squeeze out its juice. Preserve the strained juice in an jar and apply it to the affected area.
  • Burn: Wash 1 carrot and pulp it. Apply the pulp to the burn.

    Traumatic Injury:
  • Fracture that is slow to heal: Wash some hen's egg and roast until dry. Pound the shells into a powder. Take 15g powder at a time, twice a day.
  • Traumatic injury with abrasion: Roast 60g fresh water mussel and 60g hen's egg shell until they become charcoal. Grind the charcoal into fine powder and mix it with rape-seed oil. Apply the mixture directly to the abrasion
  • Traumatic injury with blood stasis and swelling: Cut 1 old loofah into slices and dry it in the sun. Parch it in an iron pan over slow fire until it becomes yellow brown. Pound it into a powder and preserve it in a bottle. For traumatic injury to breast or stomach infuse 3g of the powder in 15 ml white spirit and take twice a day for 3 consecutive days. For traumatic injury to the limbs mix the powder with 15 ml white spirit and apply it to the affected part once per day.
  • Traumatic injury with black swelling: Grind 1 portion chili pepper into a very fine powder and melt 5 portions vaseline by heating it. Mix them well and let cool. Apply directly to the affected part with gauze, renew once a day or every other day.
  • Traumatic injury with blood stasis and swelling: Dry the shell of 1 crab and 15g cucumber seed in the sun and when dry grind them into a powder. Take an infusion of the powder in yellow rice wine or millet wine.
  • Traumatic injury with bleeding: Pulp one green Chinese onion an roast it until it becomes hot. Apply the pulp to the affected part and renew it when it becomes cold. Apply consecutively several times.

    Insect Stings or Animal Bites:
  • Wasp sting: Soak some tea leaves and pound them. Apply to the sting.
  • Insect sting with whole body itching, vexation, and thirst: Infuse 6g of tea in hot water. Apply the tea to the wound.
  • Wasp sting with swelling and itching: Pour 50g white spirit in a cup and warm it. Apply it to the affected area.
  • Snake bite: Wash 2 handfuls of dry or fresh pear leaves and decoct them in water. Drink one bowl of the decoction and also wash the wound with the decoction.
  • Snake bite; insect bite: Wash 2 Green Chinese onions and pulp them before mixing with 30g honey. Apply the mixture to the wound.
  • Snake, scorpion, or spider bite: Cut a hole into a hen's egg and stick the egg to the wound.
  • Wasp sting, centipede sting: Cut open 1 fresh aubergine and rub the wound with it. Or as an alternative you can mix the aubergine with some white sugar and apply it externally.
  • Dog bite: Wash some fresh peach leaves and chew them into a paste. If the wound has not festered then apply the leaves to the wound. If the wound has festered then apply the leaves around the wound and the leaves should not touch the wound. Renew the leaves daily. Determine the amount of leaves needed by the size of the wound. Wash the wound with salt water first. .
  • Scorpion sting: Dissolve some table salt in a little hot water and soak an aseptic cotton ball with the solution. Wash the wound several times per day with the cotton ball until a slight pain is felt.

  • Psoriasis: Put one pallas-pit viper into a container and kill it by drowning it in 1000ml of white spirit. Add 15g ginseng to the white spirit and allow it to infuse for 7 days. Take any amount of the liquid at any time.
  • Psoriasis; neurodermatitis: Let 10 fresh hen's egg soak in mature vinegar for 7-10 days. Remove the eggs and shell them. Mix the egg white and egg yolk and preserve in a bottle. Wash the affected area for 2 minutes several times each day with a cotton ball soaked with the mixture .
  • Psoriasis; allergic dermatitis: Pulp 50g chinese chives and 50g skinned garlic together and heat the pulp over a fire. Rub the affected area with the mixture twice per day for several consecutive days.
  • Psoriasis on any part of the body: Peel 10 water chestnuts and cut into small pieces. Decoct them in 75 ml mature vinegar over a slow fire for at least 10 minutes until the vinegar dries. Pulp them and rub into the affected part. Cover with gauze and when it turns red, apply more pulp and cover the affected part with a clean bandage. Apply at least once a day for consecutive days until the disease is cured.
  • Psoriasis: Squeeze some fresh pomegranate rind to extract its juice. Apply the juice along with some alum to the affected area several times per day.

    Tinea (Fungal Infection):
  • Tinea unguium: Cook 120g of shredded kelp along with 100g pork fat in clean water until done. Do not season. Eat the soup and its contents.
  • Porrigo: Skin some garlic and pulp it. Mix the garlic pulp with some sesame oil or vaseline into an ointment. Shave the hair of the patient as needed and apply it to the affected part daily or every other day.
  • Tinea unguium: Contain some vinegar in a plastic bag and let the affected hand soak over-night. After several applications a curative effect should be felt.
  • Ringworm of scalp: Heat 30 ml rice vinegar in an iron pot until it boils. Wash the area with cotton balls soaked in rice vinegar and apply at any time throughout the day.
  • Porrigo: Decoct 150g tobacco leaf in water and apply the decoction to the affected part 2-3 times each day.
  • Tinea Capitis: Peel and mash a potato. Apply the mash to the affected area, cover it with an oil paper, and bandage it. Replace bandage 5 times per day.
  • Tinea (various types): Pestle 15g of apricot kernel and boil it in 250 ml of aged vinegar. Apply the decoction hot with cotton balls once a day for 3 consecutive days as a course of treatment. Wait 3 days an then resume the application.
  • Tinea (various types): Scrape the outer layer of green unripe walnuts to remove their skins (pericarps). Rub the affected area with the moist skins 3-5 times per day. After 15 days of consecutive application a curative effect will be felt. Alternatively take some dried skins and decoct them in water. Wash the affected part daily, and seek the curative effect after 15 days of application.

    Urticaria (hives):
  • Urticaria due to food allergy: Cut 30g fresh ginger into shreds and decoct with 100 ml vinegar and 100g brown sugar in some water. Strain off and keep the liquid. Take one small cup of the decoction with warm boiled water, 3 times per day.
  • Papular urticaria: Gut 3-4 toads and wash them clean. Stew them in an earthenware pot until they become very soft. Strain off the decoction through some gauze and apply it to the affected area 3-4 times per day.
  • Urticaria: Heat 1 handful of Chinese chives over a fire and rub the affected parts with it several times per day.
  • Urticaria: Prepare 100g rice gruel with 80g Chinese chives, oil, salt, and fresh ginger.

  • Eczematosis with yellowish ooze: Parch some mung bean flour until it becomes yellow and let it cool. Mix it with some sesame oil and apply the mixture to the affected part.
  • Eczematosis; various types of dermatitis: Pound some walnut kernel and roast it until it becomes yellow and oozes oil. Pound it into a paste and apply it to the affected area. Use regularly for best results.
  • Eczema of scrotum: Dissolve 120g white sugar in 2000g clear water and heat the water until it boils. Pour the water in a basin and steam the affected body part. Once the water cools, wash the affected part twice a day for 2 consecutive days.
  • Eczematosis; especially of the head / face / ears: Soak some broad beans and remove their skin. Dry the skins in the sun and roast over a fire until they become brown. Grind it into a fine powder and mix with sesame oil into an ointment for external application. Apply once daily.
  • Infantile eczema: This recipe has two variations. The ingredients used include some fresh Peking cabbage, some cabbage and carrot, a little honey, and a little salt. In the first variation you will wash, cut, boil for 15 minutes, and pulp the ingredients. Feed the mash to the patient seasoning with a little salt. In the second variation of this recipe you should wash and cut the ingredients then cook a soup by boiling the vegetables for 5 minutes. Take the soup with some honey.
  • Eczema of scrotum: Wash some tomato leaves and cut into pieces. Add some salt and pound them into a mash. Decoct the mash and wash the affected area with the hot decoction. Then apply talcum powder.
  • Superficial ucer of the scrotum: Pound 100g olive and decot it in 1000g clear water over a slow fire until only half the decoction is left. Strain and keep the liquid. Wash the affected area with the decoction for half an hour, several times per day. The curative effect will be felt after several days' application.
  • Obstinate eczematosis: Roast 3 centipedes until dried. Then grind them into a powder and mix the powder with a little pig's bile. Apply the mixture to the affected area.

  • Dysmenorrhea: Wash and stone 30g Chinese dates. Wash 30g dried ginger and cut into pieces. Decoct the ginger and dates with 30g brown sugar and take twice a day.
  • Dysmenorrhea: Decoct 20g Argyi leaf and 15g brown sugar in water and take the decoction as a drink.
  • Abdominal pain after menstruation: Boil 2 hen's eggs in water with 10g argyi leaf and 15g fresh ginger. Boil until the eggs are done. Take one dose per day for 7 consecutive days.
  • Dysmenorrhea; irregular menstruation: Cook 60g black soya bean with 2 eggs until the eggs are done. Remove the egg's shells and continue cooking them until the black soya beans are done. Add 120 ml rice wine and take all the ingredients.
  • Dysmenorrhea: Remove the husk of 20g sunflower seeds and roast with 40g Hawthorn fruit until they are done. Pound and decoct them in water until the decoction becomes thick. Take the decoction with 30g brown sugar. Take 2 or 3 consecutive times before menstruation.
  • Dysmenorrhea; irregular menstruation: Mix 100g brown sugar in a little water and boil. Add two beaten eggs to create a half-done egg soup. Take it once per day for 2-3 days after menstruation.
  • Dysmenorrhea: Decoct 5 Chinese roses in 2 cups water until 1 cup of decoction is left and add 50g sugar crystals. Take hot once per day for 3 consecutive days.

  • Menorrhagia: Prepare a cup of strong tea and dissolve some brown sugar in it.
  • Anemia; Menorragia, Bleeding due to hemorrhoids: Decoct 30g black fungus along with 20 Chinese dates and take the decoction continuously throughout the day for 1 day.
  • Menorrhagia: Prepare 5g of tea in hot water and strain the dregs. Let 30g lotus seed soak in warm water for several hours. Add 20g crystal sugar and stew the lotus seeds until they are very soft.
  • Menorrhagia: Boil 250g fresh oyster meat along with some chicken soup and lean pork soup. Season with salt and gourmet powder before taking.

    Metrostaxis and Menorrhagia:
  • Persitent Endometrorrhagia: Pound 3g of silkworm cocoon into a fine powder and take an infusion of the powder in warm yellow rice wine or millet wine.
  • Persitent Endometrorrhagia: Broil 15g Sophora flower until it becomes brown and pound it into a powder. Take an infusion of it in rice wine.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: Parch 60-120g of cotton-seed cake in an earthenware pot until it becomes dry (but not burnt). Grind it into a powder and take as an infusion with yellow rice wine or millet wine.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding; Bleeding due to hemorrhoids: Soften 5g of black fungus or white jellyfungus by soaking it in warm water. Rid it of impurities and stems. Tear it into pieces and boil it with 100g rice and 5 Chinese dates. Continue heating them over a slow fire to make a gruel and then dissolve some crystaline sugar into the gruel. Avoid this recipe during pregnancy or if suffering from a cold with fever.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: Decoct 30g cotton hibiscus flower in water and take the decoction in 2 or 3 separate portions every day until the bleeding is arrested.
  • Endometrorrhagia: Cook 30g black fungus in water over a slow fire and when done add 20g brown sugar. Take this recipe in one day as two separate doses.

    Leukorrhea, Pelvic inflammation, cervicitis:
  • Leukorrhea; soreness of waist and abdominal pain: Decoct 30g pomegranate rind in water and take the decoction as a drink.
  • Morbid Leukorrhea; Trichomonas vaginalis; vaginitis: Decoct 500g of clean Cockomb flower in water and strain the liquid once every 20 minutes. Repeat by adding water 3 times and continue cooking the decoction. Combine all 3 decoctions and boil over a slow fire to obtain a thick soup. Then add 500 ml of fresh lotus juice and heat the soup until it becomes thick and sticky. Move it from the fire and add 500g white sugar to absorb the decoction. Dry it in the sun then grind it into a powder and preserve the bottle in a bottle. Take 10g powder infused in hot water in 3 separate doses. Take daily.
  • Watery leukorrhea: Grind 27 pcs pepper into fine powder and beat 1 hen's egg. Add the pepper to the egg and fry the mixture until it becomes a patty. Take the patty for breakfast and repeat every day for 2 weeks.
  • Excessive Leukorrhea; general asthenia; soreness of waist and debility of limbs: Pestle 200g of lotus seeds into a powder and mix with 6 beaten hen's eggs whites. Mix in 200g buckwheat flour and roll pills the size of a mung bean. Take one 10g pill each day with warm water before a meal.
  • Morbid leukorrhea: Wash 150g cowpea and remove the stems and strings. Cut them into small pieces and stew with 100g chicken and some prickly-ash peel for one hour. Add some salt and gourmet powder to the soup and take with cooked rice. Take regularly for best results.
  • Morbid leukorrhea: Cook 20g lotus seed, 30g dried longan pulp, 60g glutinous rice, 9 Chinese dates, and 50g white sugar in water until they become gruel. Take the gruel once a day for 10 consecutive days.

    Hyperemesis Gravidarum:
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Mix 10g sugar cane juice and 10g ginger together and sip throughout the day.
  • Vomiting after 2 months of pregnancy and medicines produce no effect: Cook 30g of glutinous rice and take it 4 times per day while avoiding all hard and cold foods.
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum with Anorexia syndrome: Cut 200g Chinese chives and 200g fresh ginger into pieces and pound them to obtain an extract. Take the extract after mixing with sugar.
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Was a 500g lemon and soak it in warm water for 1 hour. Peel it, remove the seeds, and cut into long narrow pieces. Put the lemon into a basin and mix in 100g sugar. Cover the basin and let the lemon soak for one day and one night. Then remove the lemon and boil it in some water before reducing to a simmer. Simmer until the deocoction is dry. Then add about 150g of white sugar that has been dissolved in water. Continue stewing until the lemon absorbs all of the water. Then let the lemon cool and keep it in a dry place. Take the lemon at any time by sucking on it, chewing it a little, and swallowing the saliva secreted.
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Wash 1000g of grapes, pound them, sieve them, and strain off the extract. Add 100g sugar to the juice and take 50-100g of the juice at a time twice a day.
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Wash some olives, pulp them, and decoct them. Take the decoction 2-3 times per day.
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Decoct 15g radish seed, 15g fresh ginger, and 15 shaddock ped in a bowl of water until half a bowl of decoction remains.

    Threatened miscarriage (habitual miscarriage):
  • Threatened miscarriage: Peel 90g lotus seeds, wash, and combine them with 30g raisins into an earthenware pot. Add 700-800 ml water to the pot and heat the pot by placing it in boiling water. Cook until the lotus seeds are tender. For best results take the mixture once per day for 5-10 days.
  • Threatened miscarriage: Crack 10 walnuts and decoct them with their shells in water. Strain the decoction and take as a drink.
  • Threatened miscarriage: Mix the yolk of 5 hen's eggs with 50 ml yellow rice wine or millet wine. Add some water and table salt. Steam the mixture for one hour. Take all as a draft or take in seperate doses.
  • Threatened miscarriage: Wash 30g black soybean and 60g glutinous rice. Add some water and simmer until it becomes gruel. Take the gruel as a draft or in separate doses.
  • Threatened miscarriage: Wash 30g sweet potato into cubes and cook with 10 Chinese dates in water until done. Add one spoonful brown sugar.
  • Threatened miscarriage: Cook 5 Chinese dates in water until they are nearly done. Beat in 2 hen's eggs and heat the soup until the eggs are done. Take the mixture once per day.
  • Habitual miscarriage: Decoct 15g fresh argyi leaf in water to get a thick soup and beat one hen's egg into the soup. Take the soup once per day on an empty stomach. Take consecutively for 1 month.
  • Threatened miscarriage with abdominal pain: Beat 2 hen's eggs and mix them with 40g glutinous rice flour. Steam them until done and take all as a draft once per day. Repeat for several consecutive days as necessary.
  • Threatened miscarriage: Heat 100g sesame oil and 200g honey over a slow fire until they boil. Let them cool and then mix well. Take one spoonful of the syrup at a time twice a day.
  • Miscarriage prevention and blood stasis: Descale and gut one carp. Wash and cut into cakes. Cook it with 100g glutinous rice in water until they become a gruel. Add 30g ass-hide glue, some green Chinese onion, some fresh ginger, and some table salt. Continue boiling the gruel for 10 minutes. Take the gruel for lunch every day for 1 week.

    Poor Lactation:
  • Galactostasis: Crush 1000g of dried shelled shrimps and mix 2 spoonfuls with one cup of yellow rice wine or millet wine. Take warm 3 times per day.
  • Galactostasis: Cook one sliced cucumber in some liquor until soft. Chew the cucumber and take it with the liquor for a prompt effect.
  • Galactostasis: Skin 200g sweet potato and cut it into cakes. Cook with 100g rice and cover with water to make a gruel. Avoid this recipe in case of diabetes, gastric ulcer, or hyperhydrochloria.
  • Galactostasis: Cut one pig's trotter into halves and add some water. Cook over a strong fire until overdone. Then add 60ml yellow rice wine or millet wine before taking.
  • Lack of milk secretion after childbirth: Stew 2 pig's trotters for half hour and remove the foam. Add 60g peanut kernels and 60g soy beans. Continue heating until the pig's trotters are done and soft. Eat the pig's trotters along with the soup twice per day.
  • Lack of milk secretion after childbirth: Cook a soup with 1 pig's fore trotter over a slow fire. Roast 25g black sesame seeds until they become brown and pound them into a fine powder. Take an infusion of the sesame seed powder in soup 3 times per day.
  • Insufficient Lactation: Fry some soybeans until they are aromatic and steam them along with turnips and fresh ginger. Eat at meals to promote lactation.
  • Galactostasis after childbirth: Cook some red phaseolus bean into a gruel and take regularly.

    Pertussis in Children:
  • Paroxysmal spasmodic cough of pertussis with abundant expectoration and vomiting: Remove the hair from 9g of loquat leaf and decoct with 5 pcs of peack kernel. Take the decoction.
  • Pertussis: Preserve some ripe kumquats with salt in a glass jar for 6 months. Take 2-4 of the kumquats and wash them with clear water, pulp them, and dissolve the pulp in hot sugar water. Strain the dregs and take the liquid twice per day..
  • Pertussis: Decoct 5 olives and 500g mung bean in water and add 50g white sugar. Take the decoction with ingredients once per day for 5 consecutive days.
  • Pertussis: Cut 150g red skin radish into slices and cook it with 100g rice and 12 Chinese dates in water. Season with some white sugar and take as a gruel once per day for 10 consecutive days..
  • Pertussis: Chop 60g garlic and briefly bring to a boil in 300 ml water before letting it soak for 10 hours. Strain the liquid and take with a little white sugar. For children over 5 years old take 15 ml, for younger children take half the dosage. Take once every other hour.
  • Pertussis: Heat 500g crystal sugar in a little water over a slow fire until it has melted. Cook into a thick syrup like state. Add 250g peanut kernels while the sugar is still hot. Mix well and pour into a mug coated with cooking oil. Press them, cool them off, and cut into small cakes before eating. Take often.
  • Pertussis: Wash 150g pears clean and decoct them. Pound them with 30g walnut kernel and 30g crystal sugar. Cook them in water until they become a thick syrup. Take one spoonful of the syrup at a time 3 times per day.

    Measles (in children)
  • Measles without adequate eruption: Mix some egg white, several drops of sesame oil, and some buckwheat flour into paste. Rub the breast, back, and limbs of the suffering child with the paste.
  • Persistent low fever after eruption of measles: Wash 250g water chestnut and split 500g sugar cane into sections. Wash some red-skin radish and cut into cakes. Decoct all ingredients in water for one hour and let cool before taking.
  • Insufficient eruption of measles: Cut open 1 crucian carp, descale, and gut it. Combine with 20g fresh mushrooms, a little salt, and one bowl of water. Heat until boiling, then simmer until the crucian carp is very soft. Eat the entire soup with the carp in one day. Stop taking this recipe once the measles erupt..
  • Residual heat, persistent dry cough after eruption of measles: Peel 10 water chestnuts and wash clean. Add 500 ml water and decoct down until only 300 ml remains. Strain the decotion and add a litle crystal sugar to the hot decoction. Drink 100 ml of the decoction at a time twice a day.
  • Measles: Peel one bamboo shoot and cut into pieces. Gut one Crucian carp but do not remove scales. Stew the ingredients until done and take the soup.
  • Measles: Decoct 120g washed carrots, 100g coriander, and 60g water chestnut. Take the decoction as a drink.

    Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children
  • Vomiting of milk in children Parch 50g rice in a pan until it becomes black. Decoct it in one cup water and take the decoction.
  • Dysentery with bloody stool, dysentery with mucus or purulent discharge in children: Pound 3 mung beans, 2 stoned Chinese dates, and 3 pieces of pepper. Apply this mixture to the navel.
  • Diarrhea in children with syndromes of thirst and anorexia: Wash 1 apple, cut into slices, put in a bowl, and cover. Steam and pound into a mash before feeding to the suffering child.
  • Persistent vomiting; diarrhea in children in the summer: Mix 9g mung bean flour and 1 hen's egg into a paste and apply to the forehead of the vomiting child or to the sole of the foot for diarrhea.
  • Diarrhea in children: Wash and stone some Hawthorn fruit and steam with Chinese yam. Add some white sugar to them and press into paste after they cool off.
  • Diarrhea in children: Peel 10 chestnuts and cook them into a jam seasoned with sugar. Take the jam twice per day.
  • Diarrhea in children: Steam 15g rice and make a small pastry scattering 1g pepper powder into its center. When it cools apply this pastry to the navel with a bandage. Remove the pastry after 4 to 8 hours. If the child is dehydrated combine this method with fluid infusion at the same time.

    Maldigestion in Children
  • Food retention; abdominal distension; Persistent vomiting in children; Incessant crying: Decoct 250g carrot in water and add a bit of brown sugar. Drink frequently.
  • Infantile indigestion with food retention: Chop 3 washed pears and pound to extract their juice. Cook 100g rice into a gruel for 1.5 hours then add the pear juice. Take small portions 2-3 times per day. Avoid this recipe in cases of loose stools.
  • Infantile indigestion with food retention: Rub one cow tripe (150-200g) with table salt and rinse clean. Cut it up and cook with 40-50g rice until they become a gruel. Season to taste and take.
  • Infantile indigestion with food retention: Wash, deplume, gut one quail and cut it into pieces. Cook it with rice into a gruel and season to taste before taking.
  • Inantile indigestion with food retention, ochriasis, and emaciation: Cut 5-8 frogs legs into cubes and mix with a little peanut oil and salt. Boil 100g rice with the cubed frog and then simmer until done.
  • Infantile indigestion with food retention and leanness: Stir fry 100g Chrysalis in some cooking oil until they turn bright yellow. Season them with salt before taking.
  • Anorexia; Lassitude: Dissolve 30g white sugar in 70g apple juice. Pour in 150g of hot boiling milk and mix well. Take once a day for 10 consecutive days.

    Rickets in Children
  • Rickets in children; tenany: Wash some hen's egg shells and dry over a fire. Grind it into a fine powder. Children under the age of 1 should take half a gram of the powder twice a day, while children 1-2 years old should take 1g at a time twice per day.
  • Infantile chondropathy due to disturbance of calcium metabolism: Wash some river snails and boil them in hot water until done. Pick out the meat and eat it with flavorings. Take often.
  • Flaccidity of extremities in children; weakness: Cook 500g Chinese chestnut in water for 30 minutes. Let cool and remove peels. Place in a bowl and steam for 40 minutes. Pulp the Chinese chestnut while hot and mix with sugar. Make a pastry while pressing the pulp in a bottle cap. Take regularly..
  • Infantile chondropathy: Wash 150-250g carrot, chop, and cook it with rice into a gruel. Flavor to taste with salt, sugar, mutton, pork, etc. Take the gruel warm.

    Bed Wetting in Children
  • Bed-wetting in children: Wash 25g Chinese chives, wrap in gauze and squeeze to extract its juice. Take the juice warm twice a day for 10 consecutive days.
  • Bed-wetting in children: Boil 10 hen's eggs and 8g tea in a pot for 8 minutes. Crack the eggs shells and add 3g table salt. Continue cooking the eggs for 10-15 minutes. Dip the eggs in soy sauce when eating (eat 1 egg per day)..
  • Bed-wetting in children: Descale 1 mullet (250-300g), remove the head and guts. Cook it with rice into a gruel and take with seasoning. Take special care not to be choked by the fish bone.
  • Bed-wetting in children: Pound 7-8 bulbs of green Chinese onion and mix with 50g sulphur. Make a jet to place on the navel before sleep. Apply it for 3 consecutive nights.
  • Bed-wetting in children: Pound 6 pcs white pepper into fine powder. Cut a small hole into the egg and insert the white pepper into the egg. Cover the hole with moist paper and steam the egg. Remove the shell and take the egg with rice for lunch once a day for 7 consecutive days..
  • Minimal brain dysfunction; bed-wetting in children: Pestle 50g walnut kernel into powder and cook it with 25g rice. When done add 25g sugar and take the gruel as a snack or for dinner. Take once per day for 7-20 consecutive days. Avoid in case of loose stool..

    Eye Problems
  • Acute conjunctivitis; photophobia: Infuse 10g chrysanthemum flower and 3g dragon well tea in some water and take the infusion as a drink.
  • Diminishing vision; dizziness; night blindness: Infuse 10g wolfberry and 10g wild chrysanthemum in hot water and take as a drink.
  • Blurry vision, lacrimation induced by wind: Pound 80g wolfberry fruit and put into a bottle with 250 ml white spirit. Hermetically seal the bottle and let the wolfberry soak in white spirit for 7 days. Cook and season some pig liver with salt and prickly ash. Take the pig liver along with wolfberry fruit and 25-50 ml of white spirit.
  • Blurry vision due to old age: Remove the membrane from 60g of sheep liver and slice. Cut 3 green Chinese onions into sections and stir fry them along with the sheep liver in some cooking oil. In another pot cook 100g rice into a gruel then add the sheep liver and continue heating the gruel until the sheep is done. Eat the gruel for breakfast and dinner.
  • Dim vision; light-headedness: Decoct 50g hazelnut kernel and 50g wolfberry in some water and drink the decoction daily.
  • Night blindness: Cook some pig liver with some radish, salt, and fresh ginger. Cook until the pig liver is done.
  • Debility; blurring of vision: Wash 250g bitter gourd and de-seed. Cut the bitter gourd into shreds and stir fry briefly in 10g lard. Season with flavorings before taking.
  • Night blindness in adults and blurring of vision in children: Cook some unsalted pig liver and Chinese chives in water. Eat the soup and pig liver regularly.
  • Conjunctivitis: This recipe is for external application. Cook one hen's egg, shell it, and stick the hot egg white to the eye-lid. Remove the bandage and the egg white the next morning. Apply for three consecutive days.
  • Night blindness; also helpful in convalescence of sight after infantile measles: Cook a soup with 60g pig liver and 250g spinach. Eat it twice per day.

    Nasal Problems
  • Nasal carbuncle with turbid nasal discharge: Burn two old loofah's to ash and pound into powder. Take an infusion of 15g powder in hot water in the morning.
  • Various types of arthritis: Put 3 drops sesame oil into each nostril at a time, 3 times per day.
  • Nosebleed: Pound 3g sweet wormwood to extract its juice and take the juice with hot water as a drink.
  • Nosebleed: Cook 120g Chinese chive root and 1 hen's egg in water until the egg is done. Strain off the decoction and dissolve the 30g white sugar into it while the decoction is still warm. Take the decoction with egg once per day.
  • Nosebleed, gum bleeding due to thrombocytopenia or hemophilia: Rid 500g pig skin of its hair, wash, and cook it in some water to prepare a thick soup. Add 250g Chinese date and continue cooking the soup until the pig skin is done. Then add some crystal sugar and take the soup in separate doses with cooked rice.

    Diseases of mouth cavity:
  • Aphthous stomatits; Hypertension: Squeeze a watermelon to extract its juice. Keep the juice in the mouth 2-3 minutes before swallowing.
  • Toothache: Dissolve 100g crystal sugar in bowl of clear water and decoct until only half the bowl of water is left. Take the water as a draft twice per day.
  • Toothache, swelling pain of the gums: Cook some black soyabean in some yellow rice wine or millet wine. Cook until the black soyabean is soft. Rinse the mouth with juice several times.
  • Toothache due to dental cavities: Leave 15g prickly ash peel to soak in 50g white spirit for 10-15 days. Strain the dregs from the white spirit and soak a cotton ball with 50g white spirit. Apply the cotton ball to the toothache to kill the wain. Alternatively use the liquid as a mouth rinse to relieve toothache from cavity.
  • Thrush in children; restlessness: Blend a dozen drops of sesame oil with one spoonful of salt water. Put 4-5 drops in the child's mouth each day. Repeat a dozen times per day.
  • Stomatitis; tonsilitis; laryngeal pain; aphthous stomatitis: Remove the seeds of 2 fresh pomegranates and soak them in hot water. Cool the water off and strain off the liquid. Keep the extract in mouth and gargle. Repeat several times each day.
  • Aphthous stomatitis; stomatocace: Wash some radish, chop, and pound it to extract its juice. Rinse the mouth with this juice several times per day.
  • Dentin hypersensitiveness: For one dose you should decoct 50g black tea in water and gargle with the tea before drinking. Take continuously until the disease is cured. Use fresh tea every time.
  • Toothache: Skin 2-3 cloves garlic and roast over a fire. Cut into slices and apply the hot slices to the painful area. Renew it when it cools off. Repeat many times.
  • Toothache: Beat 2 hen's eggs to extract the egg whites. Burn 50 ml white spirit in a bowl and pour in the egg white until the fire burns out. Take this recipe whenever pain is felt.
  • Stomatocace: Cut a piece of the membrane in the size to the ulcer and soak it in salt water for several minutes. Apply this piece of the membrane to the affected area.
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    Throat Diseases:
  • Remove fish bone stuck in throat: Skin 1 clove garlic and remove its big end while stopping up the nostril with its small end. If the fish bone is stuck on the left side of the throat then stop up the right nostril, and vice versa. At the same time keep sugar in the mouth and swallow it down once it has dissolved in the saliva.
  • Acute pharyngolaryngotracheitis; chronic laryngopharyngitis; tonsilitis: Wash one old loofah, remove the seeds, and cut into pieces. Decoct it in water for 1 hour. Strain the dregs from the liquid and continue cooking it over a slow fire until the decoction becomes somewhat thick, sticky, and dry. After it cools mix it with sugar to absorb the liquid. Then dry it in the sun and, when dry, pound it into powder. Preserve the powder in a bottle. Take an infusion of 10g powder in hot water at any time.
  • Aphonia; Sore throat: Decoct 250g tangerine peel and drink the decoction.
  • Acute pharyngolaryngotracheitis; chronic laryngopharyngitis: Wash 500g of fresh water chestnuts, peel them, chop them, and wrap them in gauze to squeeze the juice out. Add some crystal sugar to the juice and let it cool. Take 120 ml of the juice at a time, twice a day, for 3 consecutive days.
  • Hoarseness; sore-throat: Pulp 3 pears and drink the extracted juice.
  • Guttural swelling pain; hoarseness; dysphagia: Decoct 15g dandelion herb along with 6g peppermint in water and take the decoction as a drink.
  • Guttural swelling pain: Wash 500g cucumber clean, peel it, and seed it. Cut into 2-cm square cubes, wrap in gauze and squeeze its juice out. Add some sugar and mix well. Take frequently for best results.
  • Laryngeal pain; hoarseness: Wash 3 pieces of boat-fruited sterculia seed and put it in a cup with some honey. Pour in hot water, cover the cup, and let it infuse in water for 3-4 minutes. Take frequently for best results.
  • Laryngitis; tonsilitis; sore throat: Cut 3 fresh loofah into slices and pulp them in a bowl to extract one cup of their juice. Take the juice as a draft.
  • Tonsilitis with red swelling: Decoct 1 white radish with 10 olives in water. Add a little sugar and take the decoction as a drink twice a day.
  • Tonsilitis: Roast 10g black fungus until it is dry and pound it into fine powder. Send the powder to the throat by blowing it through a fine tube. Repeat several times for a curative effect.
  • Remove fish or chicken bone stuck in throat: Pound some olive stone into a fine powder and take an infusion of the powder in water.
  • Chronic laryngopharyngitis: Beat one hen's egg in a bowl and mix well. Pour in hot boiling water and add several drops of sesame oil and 20g honey. Take the mixture as a draft once in the morning and once in the evening on an empty stomach.
  • Chronic laryngopharyngitis; tonsillitis; or just to protect the vocal cords of healthy people: Decoct 30g mangosteen and 4 pieces of olive in water to get 500-800 ml of the decoction. Add 50g crystal sugar to the decoction and drink once a day for 7 consecutive days.
  • Acute or chronic pharyngitis; laryngitis: Crush 250g of mangosteen and decoct it in water. Strain off the liquid every 30 minutes and add the same amount of water to decoct 3 times. Strain and combine the decoction together. Then continue heating over a slow fire until it boils down to a sticky substance. Let it cool then add about 500g white sugar to absorb the liquid. Let the sugar dry in the sun and then pound it into a powder. Preserve this powder in a bottle and take 10g of powder in hot water as a single dosage at any time.

    Ear problems:
  • Acute and chronic otitis media: Remove the gallbladder from a carp and squeeze out its bile. Wash out the pus from the ear with hydrogen dioxide solution. Put the carp bile into the ear and stop the ear with a cotton ball. Repeat every day for 3 days to affect a cure.
  • Acute otitis media: Pulp 2 loach and apply them to the area around the ear once a day for several consecutive days.
  • Chronic supperative otitis media: Wash some Chinese chives clean and pound it to extract its juice. Put drops of the juice in the ear with a dropper 3 times per day.
  • Hard ear wax: Stew a little walnut meat over a slow fire. Put the meat in the ear to remove hard ear wax.
  • Insect or worm that has lodged in ear: Put 1-2 drops of rape-seed oil in the ear to lure out the insect or worm.

    Recipes with auxillary curative effect for tumor:
  • Auxillary effect to heal nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Decoct 30g purple gromwell root in water and take once per day.
  • Auxillary effect to heal nosebleed caused by nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Cook 500g of Chinese chestnut in water for half and hour and when it cools peel it, put it in a bowl, and steam it for another half an hour. Put it in a container when it is hot and add 250g sugar. Press it into a mash with a ladle and mold the mash into cakes. Take the cakes continuously.

    Thyroid Cancer:
  • Swelling due to thyroid cancer: Cut a small hole into an egg and put in 2g snake skin through the hole. Seal the hole and cook the egg in water. Take one egg at a time twice a day.
  • Auxillary effect to cure thyroid cancer: Rinse and soak 125g dry mussel meat in water for 20 minutes. Boil it with water in an earthenware pot for 10 minutes. Then add 1 pig pancreas and continue cooking until done. Take the soup with seasoning and service with bread or rice.

    Breast Cancer:
  • Auxillary effect to cure breast cancer: Parch several tortoise plastron until they become yellow and grind them into a powder. Stone some dateplum persimmon and pulp them. Mix all of the ingredients well and roll into 10g pills. Take with hot water each day.
  • Relieve pain and edema due to breast cancer: Apply one toad skin to the affected area and renew it once daily.
  • Breast cancer with non-healing ulcer: Pulp some jute leaf and apply it to the affected area. Renew it once every other day.
  • Relieve pain and reduce edema due to mammary cancer: Boil 1 toad, 200g prickly ash peel, and 1000 ml vinegar into an ointment. Apply the ointment to the affected area but leave a hole in the center of the ointment..
  • Early stage of breast cancer: Decoct 15g of green tangerine peel, 15g of green tangerine leaf, 15g tangerine seed in some water with yellow rice wine or millet wine. Take it warm twice a day.

    Pulmonary Carcinoma:
  • Auxillary curative effect on cough, hemoptysis, expectoration of yellow sputum and metastasis caused by pulmonary carcinoma: Infuse half the amount of bile from a sheep or pig gallbladder in water and take it each day for 7 consecutive days as a course of treatment. Rest for three days then resume another course of treatment.
  • Auxillary curative effect on cough, hemoptysis, yellow sputum, and mestastasis caused by pulmonary carcinoma: Take the bile of 5 toad gallbladders at a time. Take with water, twice a day. Take consecutively for 2 months, eventually consuming dozens of toad gallbladders' bile.
  • Relieving asthma due to pulmonary carcinoma: Soak 3g bitter apricot kernel in water until soft, then remove the skin and pound them. Wash 50g rice and soak until soft. Cook the rice, apricot kernel, and 15g sweet almond unto a gruel before adding some sugar. Take regularly.
  • Replenishes prostate weakness caused by hematorrhea due to lung cancer: Cook 4-6g ginseng, 10 Chinese dates, and 30-60g rice in some water to make a gruel. Avoid radishes and tea while taking this gruel.
  • Replenishes phlegm-dyspnea caused by lung cancer: Smear some white spirits (or honey) on 2 geckos and roast them until done. Grind them along with ginseng into a powder. Take an infusion of 4-6g of powder in warm water twice a day on an empty stomach.
  • Auxillary curative effect on stubborn hydrothorax caused by lung cancer: Decoct 45g wax-gourd peel, 45g wax-gourd seed, and 60g broad beans in 3 bowlfuls of clear water until 1 bowl of decoction remains. Strain the decoction and take it. Avoid in cases of allergy to broad bean.
  • Auxillary effect to reduce edema caused by lung cancer: Kill one carp 300-500g and wash it clean. Stew it with 90g red phaseolus bean in a deep earthenware pot until very soft.
  • Relieving asthma of those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, dyspnea, cough with dyspnea due to pulmonary carcinoma: Steam or stew 10-15g Chinese caterpillar fungus and some duck meat (or lean pork) until they are done. Take them together with the decoction.

    Liver Cancer:
  • Xerostomia, anorexia due to liver cancer: Wash some endive and pound it to extract its juice. Add some sugar to the juice and drink.
  • Pain associated with liver cancer: Soak 5-6 live house lizards in white spirit in a dark place for 7 days. The best container is a tin pot or a glass bottle. Take 10 ml of the liquid at a time 2-3 times per day..
  • Liver cancer with diarrhea as the main symptom: Cook 30g Chinese yam, 10g white hyacinth bean, and 100g rice in water until they become gruel.
  • Auxillary curative effect on liver cancer: Stew 20-30 water chestnuts in water until the soup turns brown. Eat the soup 2-3 times per day.
  • Terminal liver cancer: Decoct 500g eclipta and 30g fresh ginger in water. Add some honey to the decoction and heat until it turns into jelly. Take one spoonful at a time 3 times per day.

    Esophagus Cancer:
  • Cancer of the esophagus: Wash some Chinese chives, soak in hot water and pulp to extract its juice. Take 100 ml of the juice at a time 3 times per day.
  • Carncer of the esophagus: Wash some Chinese chives (or their roots) and pound them to extract their juice. Take an infusion of one spoonful of juice in hot milk at time. Swallow slowly and take it several times per day.
  • Removing toxins and reducing edema in early stage cancer of esophagus: Wash some Chinese chives, soak in hot water and pulp to extract its juice. Take 100 ml of the juice at a time 3 times per day.
  • Tonify and circulate blood in those suffering from hemoptysis, asthenia universalis, and anemia due to cancer of the esophagus: Wash some Chinese chives, soak in hot water and pulp to extract its juice. Take 100 ml of the juice at a time 3 times per day.
  • Regurgitation and/or vomiting due to cancer of the esophagus: Parch some chestnut kernel skin and pound it into a fine powder. Take an infusion of 3g powder in warm rice water 2 or 3 times per day.

    Stomach Cancer:
  • Hematochezia due to stomach cancer: Boil 30g rice in water and add 10g old sophora flower. Dissolve some brown sugar in it before taking.
  • Vomiting due to stomach cancer: Stone 3 Chinese dates and decoct them with 1 tangerine peel in water. Drink at short intervals.
  • Retching and vomiting due to early stage stomach cancer: Extract half a cup of sugarcane juice and add 1 spoonful of fresh ginger juice. Boil them into a stew for drinking.
  • Tonify blood and nourish stomach for cases of Stomach cancer: Cook 100g glutinous rice into a gruel and when done add 30g ass-hide glue. Stir and heat before taking.
  • Ease constipation due to stomach cancer with dry stool: Cook 20g of castor seed kernels with 80g rice into a gruel before taking.
  • Tonify blood and moisten instestines for cases of stomach cancer with constipation and hematochezia: Roast 6g sesame in a pan until it smells sweet. Then cook a rice gruel and when it is nearly done mix sesame and honey in it.
  • Vomiting due to stomach cancer: Cook some rice along with 9g dried tangerine peel and 12g bone of cuttlefish in water until they become a gruel. When the gruel is done remove the tangerine peel and cuttlefish bone and add 50g lean pork with a little salt.
  • Abdominal distension caused by stomach cancer: Roast 10-30g radish seeds and cook them with some rice in water.
  • Nourish blood in case of anemia caused by stomach cancer: Stone 15g Chinese dates and boil with 250g peanut kernels and 12g dried longan pulp. Take one dose each day..

    Intestinal Cancer:
  • Moisturize intestinal tract in cases of cancer: Wash 10-20 water chestnuts clean and pound. Cook in an earthenware pot until water becomes thick. Add rice and continue heating to make a gruel. When the gruel is done add honey and take the gruel at short intervals.
  • Persistent hematochezia due to intestinal cancer or anus cancer: Mix some lotus root with 3g notoginseng starch and put the mixture into the egg through an opening in the shell. Seal the opening with a piece of moist paper and steam until the egg is done. Take the egg twice a day.
  • Auxillary effect on cancer of the large intestine: Peel 1 or 2 bananas and stew them along with some crystal sugar by putting container in boiling water.
  • Preventing cancer of the large and resolving abdominal distension, thirst, and anorexia: Decoct and equal amount of red-skin radish and water chestnut in water and take the decoction as a drink.
  • Softens stool and prevents cancer of the large intestine: Wash some fresh spinach and some sesame oil.

    Uterine Cancer:
  • Astringe and arrest bleeding due to uterine cancer: Wash some sour pomegranate, pound it to extract its juice, and take as a draft.
  • Arrest bleeding due to uterine cancer: Pound 250g fresh lotus root and 60g biota juice together to extract the juice. Drink with cold boiled water.
  • Reduce edema due to uterine cancer: Boil scales of a carp and those of a crucian carp until they become a jelly. Take an infusion of 30g of the jelly in warm liquor and water at a time.

  • Auxillary curative effect on leukemia: Squeeze out some beet juice for drinking.
  • Arrest bleeding and replenish vital essence of patients with leukemia symptoms like hematochezia, leanness, and low fever: Gut an ell about 500g and stew in a pot with 500 ml yellow rice wine or millet wine. Stew until the eel is tender and done. Season with salt and soak in vinegar..
  • Relieve cough and arrest bleeding caused by leukemia: Wash 10-12g white jellyfungus clean and soften it by soaking in boiled water for about an hour. Rinse the impurities and put in cold boiled water with some crystal sugar. Boil for 2-3 hours and take the white jellyfungus together with water.
  • Nosebleed due to leukemia: Roast 1 large fresh lotus leaf until they become charcoal and decoct along with the lotus leaf in water. Take the decoction at short intervals.
  • Tonify and circulate blood in leukemia patients who have abnormal reaction to chemotherapy or radiotherapy: Soak 50g Chinese date in warm water until soft. Cook 100g peanut kernels in water for a short time, then remove them and let them cool before removing their skins. Put the Chinese dates and the peanut skins in water that has been used to cook the peanut kernels. Add more water and simmer them for half an hour. Strain the peanut kernel skin from the liquid and add brown sugar. Boil down the decoction before taking.
  • Nourish blood and relieve restless mind in leukemia patients: Wash 1000g fresh mulberry and decoct in water. Strain off the extract after 30 minutes. Add the same amount of water and continue to decoct it. Combine the two decoctions and simmer until it becomes a thick syrup. Add honey and continue heating the syrup until it boils. Preserve the syrup in a bottle and take one spoonful in hot water at a time, twice a day.
  • Bleeding due to leukemia: Decoct 15-30g wite cockomb flower in 2 bowls water until only 1 bowl remains. Remove the dregs and beat the egg into the decoction. Continue cooking the soup until the egg is done and take the soup once a day for 3-4 consecutive days.
  • Dizziness with dim vision, lassitude in loin and knees, spontaneous sweat, and night sweat due to leukemia: Cook 6g fleece flower roots in water and add 2 shelled hen's eggs. Eat the eggs and drink the decoction.

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