Bai Ji


Bai Ji in TCM:

Explore the properties of Bai Ji according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: Bletilla tuber (Hyacinth or Common)
Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Bletillae
Properties: bitter, sweet, astringent, cool

Temperature: cool

Channels: LU, ST, LV

Flavors: astringent, sweet, bitter

Special Properties:
stops bleeding, reduces swelling

Actions / Indications:
  • Restrains leakage of blood; stop bleeding (hematemesis, nasal bleeding, hemoptysis, TB, apply locally for traumatic injury)
  • Reduces swelling; generates flesh (use topically for burns, sores, ulcers, chapped skin, anal fissures; internally for chronic non-healing ulcers of the ST and duodenum

    Special Notes:
  • (note: slightly cold)
  • This herb is sticky and astringent in nature, and may cause constipation
  • One of the most effective herbs to stop gastrointestinal bleeding. Its strong binding effect will attach itself to the ulcer to stop bleeding and promote healing.

  • (cc: external invasion cough with blood in sputum)
  • (cc: early stage lung abcess)
  • (cc: excess heat in LU or ST)
  • (cc: incompatible with wu tou, fu zi)