He Huan Pi


He Huan Pi in TCM:

Explore the properties of He Huan Pi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: albizia bark, silk tree albizia bark
Pharmacuetical Name: Cortex Albizae
Properties: sweet, neutral

Temperature: neutral

Channels: HT, LV

Flavors: sweet

Special Properties:
circulates qi, circulates blood, reduces swelling

    Alternate Forms:
  • He Huan Hua (Flos Albiziae)- the flower or bud; it is sweet, nuetral, and goes to the HT and LV; calms spirit, relieves constraint, 3-9g.

Actions / Indications:
  • Calms Spirit; relieves constraint (bad temper, irritability, depression, insomnia, poor memory due to constrained emotions; LV qi stagnation)
  • Invigorates Blood; Dissipates swellings, Sores, Trauma (pain and swelling due to trauma or fractures; abcesses, carbuncles, sores)

    Special Notes:
  • He Huan Hua is a common insomnia herb along with Ye Jiao Teng and Bai Zi Ren. He huan hua for insomnia due to LV qi stagnation, while Ye Jiao Teng is for insomnia due to general blood deficiency. Bai Zi Ren is for insomnia due to HT blood deficiency.
  • He Huan Pi is one of the most important herbs for the treatment of external trauma and injuries.
  • Ye Jiao Teng is for depression due to blood stagnation, while He Huan Hua is for depression due to Qi stagnation. For depression with phlegm choose Yuan Zhi, while blood deficiency depression is best treated with He Huan Pi.