Huang Bai
| Huang Bai in TCM:Explore the properties of Huang Bai according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: phellodendron bark, Chinese cork tree bark
Pharmacuetical Name: Cortex Phellodendri
Properties: bitter, cold
Temperature: cold
Channels: LI, UB, KD
Flavors: bitter
Special Properties: clears heat, clears damp, clears deficent heat
Actions / Indications:
- Clears Damp Heat (from Lower
Jiao: diarrhea, jaundice; thick yellow vaginal discharge; dysuria;
foul smelling diarrhea or dysenteric disorder; damp heat jaundic; damp-heat
pouring downward, red, hot swollen knees, hot leg qi, edema of lower
legs from damp-heat; gout in lower extremities)
- Drain Fire, Relieves Toxicity (sores, carbuncles,
furuncles, eczema, lesions, burns, fire toxin, used externally or topically)
- Drains KD Fire (steaming bone disorder, KD yin deficiency
with night sweats, nocturnal emissions, tidal fever, excessive sex drive,
Contraindications: |