Huang Qin


Huang Qin in TCM:

Explore the properties of Huang Qin according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: scute, scutellaria, baikal skullcap root
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Scutellariae
Properties: bitter, cold

Temperature: cold

Channels: LU, LI, ST, GB

Flavors: bitter

Special Properties:
clears heat, clears damp, eliminates toxins, stops bleeding

    Alternate Forms:
  • jiu zhi- enhances clearing of LU damp heat
  • chao tan- better to stop bleeding

Actions / Indications:
  • Clears damp heat in the upper jiao (dysenteric disorder, diarrhea, jaundice, damp warm-febrile diseases: fever with stifling sensation in chest; thirst without desire to drink)(upper jiao)
  • Clears Heat from LU; drains fire (high fever, irritable, thirst; cough, thick yellow sputum due to phlegm-heat)
  • Clears heat and and resolves toxicity (carbuncles, furuncles, hot sores and swelling, sore throat)
  • Cools blood, stop bleeding (hematemesis, epistaxis, blood in stool, excessive uterine bleeding)
  • Clears heat; calms fetus (warning signs of early miscarriage; morning sickness due to heat in Stomach)
  • Clear heat from LV/GB channel (jaundice, hepatitis, shaoyang syndrome: alternating chills and fever; headache, bitter taste, irritability, red eyes, flushed face; hypochondriac or chest constriction; recent use for hypertension)

    Special Notes:
  • Combine Huang Qi with Shan Yao for an synergistic effect to treat diabetes mellitus.

  • (cc: deficient heat)
  • (cc: diarrhea due to cold in middle jiao)