Bai Jie Zi
| Bai Jie Zi in TCM:Explore the properties of Bai Jie Zi according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: mustard seed, white mustard seed
Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Sinapis
Properties: acrid, bitter, cool
Temperature: cool
Channels: LU
Flavors: bitter, pungent
Special Properties: circulates qi, disperses cold, resolves phlegm, reduces swelling
Actions / Indications:
- Warms LU and Expels Phlegm (coughing copious, thin
sputum; chest distension; pain d/t phlegm-cold accumulation)
- Regulates Qi and dissipates clumps (joint pain; body
aches and numbness; yin-type boils; bedsores; watery, oozing sores)
Special Notes:
- Can use as a paste (with gan sui, yan
hu suo, xi xin, etc.) on backshu points
(UB13, 43, Ding Chuan) for chronic LU disorders. Leave on for 1-4 hours.
Skin will be red with a burning sensation.
Contraindications: - (cc: coughing d/t LU deficiency)
- (cc: yin def. w/ heat)
- (cc: overdose may cause abdomincal pain / diarrhea)
- (cc: bleeding and gastrointestinal ulcers)