Lian Zi

| Lian Zi in TCM:Explore the properties of Lian Zi according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: lotus seed
Pharmacuetical Name: semen Nelumbinis
Properties: sweet, astringent, neutral
Temperature: neutral
Channels: SP, HT, KD
Flavors: astringent, sweet Tonifies: qi
Special Properties: essence
Alternate Forms:
Lotus Seed (莲子, lotus seed: Lian Zi): The seeds are used to nourish the kidney, heart and spleen, calm the mind, stabilize the essence, and help with palpitations, insomnia, and anxiety. Lotus Root (莲藕, lian ou): As mentioned earlier, it is cooling, nourishing, and beneficial for digestion and blood health. Lotus Leaf (荷叶, lotus leaf: He Ye): Used to promote digestion, clear heat, dampness, and summer heat. Lotus Flower (荷花, he hua): The flowers are believed to have calming effects and are used for their aesthetic and medicinal properties. Lotus Stamen (莲须, lian xu): The stamens are used for their ability to clear heat and promote urination, and they are thought to have diuretic properties. The stamen is sweet, astringent, neutral; stabilize and bind the essence. Lotus Petals (莲瓣, lian ban): The petals may be used for their cooling properties and are sometimes used in teas. Lotus Rhizome (莲茎, lian jīng): The rhizome, or stem, can be used similarly to the root for its digestive and nourishing benefits. Lian Xin (莲心), also known as lotus plumule, refers to the germ or heart of the lotus seed. Lian Xin is bitter, cold; HT, PC; drain HT fire, calm spirit, stop bleeding, and binds the essence;
Actions / Indications:
- Tonify KD; stabilizes essence (enuresis due to deficient
KD; premature ejaculation; spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge)
- Tonifies SP; stops diarrhea (chronic diarrhea; loss
of appetite)
- Nourishes HT; Calms spirit (deficient irritability,
insomnia - especially due to KD and HT disharmony, palpitations with
Special Notes:
- There are 8 parts of the lotus plant, each having distinct functions.
The most commonly used parts of the lotus plant in Chinese herbal medicine are Lian Zi and He Ye.
Contraindications: - (cc: abdominal distension or constipation due to excess)
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