Ling Yang Jiao


Ling Yang Jiao in TCM:

Explore the properties of Ling Yang Jiao according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):


English Name: antelope horn
Pharmacuetical Name: Cornu Saigae Tataricae
Properties: salty, cold

Temperature: cold

Channels: HT, LV

Flavors: salty

Special Properties:
clears heat, eliminates toxins

    Similar Herbs:
  • Shan Yang Jiao (Cornu Capra hircus) - mountain goat horn - may be used as substitute for ling yang jiao for LV wind, fire, and LYR, but not for heat toxicity

Actions / Indications:
  • Extinguishes wind; controls spasms and convulsions (childhood convulsions due to high fever, seizures, spasms, opisthotonos, strokes, resistant high fevers, LV qind due to intense heat)
  • Calms LV; anchors yang (insomnia, dizziness, headache, restlessness,modern use for hypertension)
  • Clears LV fire; benefits eyes (headache; red/swollen eyes due to LV fire blazing; blurred vision, photophobia)
  • Clears toxic heat (warm-febrile diseases with high fever; delerium, manic behavior, loss of consciousness, purpura due to fire toxicity)
  • (cc: qi or blood deficiency)
  • (cc: SP deficiency w/ chronic convulsions)
  • (cooking: prepare separately and take with other decoction)

    Special Notes:
  • Pharmacologically Ling Yang Jiao acts as a sedative, antiseizure, antipyretic, and it also helps to lower blood pressure.

  • (cc: qi or blood deficiency)
  • (cc: SP deficiency w/ chronic convulsions)
  • (cooking: prepare separately and take with other decoction)