Mang Xiao


Mang Xiao in TCM:

Explore the properties of Mang Xiao according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: sodium sulfate, mirabilite, mirabilitum
Pharmacuetical Name: Natrii Sulfas
Properties: salty, bitter, cold

Temperature: cold

Channels: LI, ST

Flavors: bitter, salty

Special Properties:
clears heat, reduces swelling

Actions / Indications:
  • Strongly purges excess accumulations; softens hardness (heat in ST and/or Large Intestine w/ constipation and dry hard stool)
  • Clears heat; reduces swelling (nodules, lumps, abcesses characterized by heat and toxins. Also used to stop lactation; hard lesions; red, swollen, painful eyes; painful, swollen ulcerated mouth or throat; red swollen skin lesions; used to stop lactation or for early stage breast abcess: topical or internal use. Also for warm febrile disease, excess heat in LU and ST with high fever, thirst, delirium, constipation)

    Special Notes:
  • Often combined with Da Huang to strongly treat excess constipation due to heat. Both Da huang and Mang Xiao can cause intestinal cramping as they stimulate the movement of the intestines.

  • (cc: pregnancy)
  • (cc: during menses, lactation caution: for postpartum)
  • (cc: SP deficiency)
  • (cc: long term use not advised, watch for dehydration)