Bai Shao


Bai Shao in TCM:

Explore the properties of Bai Shao according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: white peony root
Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Paeoniae Alba
Properties: bitter, sour, cool

Temperature: cool

Channels: SP, LV

Flavors: bitter, sour
Tonifies: blood, yin

Special Properties:
circulates qi, disperses cold, disperses wind, clears deficent heat

    Alternate Forms:
  • Chao Bai Shao (fried)- nourishes yin

Actions / Indications:
  • Nourishes blood; regulates menses (blood deficiency or yin deficiency with heat, gynecological disorders; menstrual dysfunction, vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding)
  • Calms liver; alleviates pain and spasms (flank, chest, abdominal pain due to LV qi stagnation or LV and SP disharmony; painful spasms in abdominal smooth muscle, spasms and pain of hands and feet due to deficiency, pain with dysenteric disorders, headache and dizziness due to LYR)
  • Preserves Yin; harmonizes ying and wei (exterior W-C deficiency; spontaneous sweating, night sweats; in combination with gui zhi to harmonize ying qi and wei qi)

    Other Notes:
  • Shao Yao was the name used for bai shao / chi shao before the end of the Tang dynasty, when the two were not distinguished from each other