Nan Gua Zi


Nan Gua Zi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Nan Gua Zi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):


English Name: pumpkin seed, cushaw seed
Pharmacuetical Name: Semen Cucurbitae Moschatae
Properties: sweet, neutral

Temperature: neutral

Channels: LI, ST

Flavors: sweet

Special Properties:
expels parasites

Actions / Indications:
  • Expels Parasites (tapeworms - especially from beef, especially numbs the middle and the tail of tape worms, roundworms, schistosomiasis - parasites in LV)

    Special Notes:
  • (cooking: ground to powder in raw form and mix with cold water)
  • Considered to be very safe with minimal side effects.
  • to expel tapeworms: grind nan gua zi to powder (60-120g) and consume mixed with cold water, 2 hours later drink a decoction of Bing Lang (60-120g), and 30 minutes later drink Mang Xiao dissolved in water (15g)