Pu Gong Ying


Pu Gong Ying in TCM:

Explore the properties of Pu Gong Ying according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: dandelion, Asian dandelion
Pharmacuetical Name: Herba Taraxaci
Properties: bitter, sweet, cold

Temperature: cold

Channels: ST, LV

Flavors: sweet, bitter

Special Properties:
clears heat, clears damp, eliminates toxins, reduces swelling

Actions / Indications:
  • Clears toxic heat (toxic heat disorders; carbuncles, boils; Liver heat with red, swollen, painful eyes; poisonous snake bite)
  • Reduces abcesses; dissipates clumps (breast abcess, unblock channels to aid lactation if due to heat; Lung abcess; intestinal abcess; sore, swollen throat: use internally or topically)
  • Drains damp heat jaundice; relieves PUD (damp-heat jaundice; PUD)
  • (cc: SP deficiency)
  • (cc: overdose can cause diarrhea)
  • (note: use fresh grind and make paste to apply topically on breasts for early stage abcess)

    Special Notes:
  • (note: use fresh grind and make paste to apply topically on breasts for early stage abcess)
  • Strong antibiotic effect with immune enhancing and hepatoprotective properties. May compete with Quinolone antibiotics.
  • For Damp-Heat Jaundice use pu gong yin with yin chen hao, zhi zi, and da huang: see

  • (cc: SP deficiency)
  • (cc: overdose can cause diarrhea)