Qing Pi


Qing Pi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Qing Pi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: citrus viride, immature orange peel, green tangerine peel
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Stemonae
Properties: sweet, bitter, neutral

Temperature: neutral

Channels: ST, LV, GB

Flavors: sweet, bitter

Special Properties:
circulates qi, resolves food stagnation, reduces swelling

Actions / Indications:
  • Spreads LV Qi and breaks up stagnant Qi (hernia pain, distension and pain of chest, breast, hypochondriac regions)
  • Dissipates clumps and nodules; Reduces stagnation (SP or LV organ masses; food stagnation with qi stagnation causing pain, distension or stifling sensation of epigastrium; for masses when qi stagnation progresses to blood stasis)

    Special Notes:
  • Qing Pi and Chen Pi are both warm and regulate qi and they are commonly used to harmonize LV, SP, and ST. Qing Pi is stronger on breaking qi stagnation and focuses on MJ/LJ while Chen Pi focuses on the UJ (chest and epigastriuim).

  • (cc: caution with qi deficiency)