Bai Zhi


Bai Zhi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Bai Zhi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: angelica, dahurican angelica root
Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Angelicae Dahuricae
Properties: acrid, warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: LU, ST

Flavors: pungent

Special Properties:
disperses cold, clears heat, clears damp, disperses wind, reduces swelling

Actions / Indications:
  • Expels wind; opens the nasal passages; alleviates pain (blocked nasal passages; pain along yangming channel on the face (supraorbital pain, toothache); external wind-cold with headache; any problem due to wind invading yangming channel of head, wind-cold or wind-heat when combined with other herbs)
  • Reduce swelling; expels pus (purulent infection of superficial area; furuncles, carbuncles: combine with clear heat herbs)
  • Dries Damp; Alleviates discharge (leukorrhea, usually due to damp-cold in the lower jiao: or can treat damp-heat leukorrhea with appropriate combination)

    Other Notes:
  • Bai Zhi is a headache analgesic guiding to Yangming channels, but overdose can cause high blood pressure, slowed heart rate, increased depth of respiration, vomiting, and in severe cases can cause seizures and convulsions.

  • (cc: blood or yin deficiency)
  • (cc: caution if pus drains smoothly from sores)