Wa Leng Zi


Wa Leng Zi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Wa Leng Zi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: ark shell
Pharmacuetical Name: Concha Arcae
Properties: salty, neutral

Temperature: neutral

Channels: LU, SP, LV

Flavors: salty

Special Properties:
circulates blood, resolves phlegm, reduces swelling

    Alternate Forms:
  • Sheng - for blood stasis and to dissolve nodules
  • Duan - for acid absorption

Actions / Indications:
  • Dissolves phlegm; disperses nodules (immobile masses of accumulated phlegm, nodules, goiter, scrofula, chronic cough and phlegm)
  • Invigorates blood (menstrual pain, immobile or mobile abdominal masses of blood stasis; modern use for hypertrophy of SP and LV, tumor in digestive tract)
  • Absorbs acid; relieves pain (chronic gastric pain; gastric and duodenal ulcers; blood stasis pain with vomiting and acid regurgitation)
  • (cc: cough due to deficient cold)
  • (cooking: CRUSH and cook first, for 20 minutes)

    Special Notes:
  • For peptic ulcer Wa Leng Zi was combined with Gan Cao (5:1 ratio) and patients were given 10g of powder three times daily before meals. The overall rate of effectiveness was 89.12% to treat peptic ulcer, with 59 of 124 patients experiencing complete recovery.
  • For chronic cough and phlegm combine this herb with Bei Mu, Zi Wan, Kuan Dong Hua, and Fu Hai Shi.