Wu Jia Pi


Wu Jia Pi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Wu Jia Pi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):


English Name: acanthopanax, acanthopanax root bark
Pharmacuetical Name: Cortex Acanthopanacis
Properties: acrid, bitter, warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: KD, LV

Flavors: bitter, pungent

Special Properties:
clears damp, resolves water accumulations, disperses wind

    Alternate Forms:
  • Bei Wu jia Pu (aka Xiang Jia Pi) is sometimes used as a substitute for Wu Jia Pi, and both have a similar appearance and smell. However these two herbs have different functions and should not be used interchangeably. Bei Wu jia Pi has cardiotonic and diuretic functions, is toxic, and should be prescribed in small dosages.

Actions / Indications:
  • Dispel Wind-Damp; strengthens bones and sinews (chronic painful bi: wind-damp cold with chronic LV and KD deficiency; muscle aches and pains, spasma and cramps due to LV / KD deficiency, muscle atrophy, weak or soft sinews or bones in elderly; motor delays in children)
  • Promotes urination; relieves edema (dysuria, urinary difficulty, edema, damp-cold leg qi)

    Special Notes:
  • Wu Jia Pi and Sang Ji Sheng both tonify LV and KD, but Sang Ji Sheng calms the restless fetus while Wu Jia Pi reduces edema through urination.