Ban Xia
| Ban Xia in TCM:Explore the properties of Ban Xia according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
Factoids: English Name: pinellia, pinellia tuber
Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Pinelliae
Properties: toxic, acrid,
Temperature: warm
Channels: LU, ST, SP
Flavors: toxic, pungent
Special Properties: disperses cold, clears damp, eliminates toxins, resolves phlegm, reduces swelling
Alternate Forms:
- fa (deep fried with ginger, vinegar, ming fan) - used to dry dampness:
fa ban xia
- jiang zhi: used to stop vomiting (not contra-indicated for pregnancy)
- sheng: TOXIC, used for topical use only
Actions / Indications:
- Dries dampness, transforms phlegm (cough w/ copious
phlegm, phlegm-cold in Lung, especially effective if the dampness is
due to SP, also for headache or dizziness due to phlegm disturbing the
- Redirects ST qi downward; stops vomit (nausea and
vomiting due to phlegm-damp, ST deficiency or ST heat w/ appropriate
combination; morning sickness)
- Dissipate nodules; reduces distension (phlegm nodules;
goiter, scrofula, distension, fullness, pressure and pain in chest and
- Reduces swelling; relieves pain (swellings, carbuncles,
snake bite; topical use with sheng form)
Other Notes:
- Ban Xia is toxic. In its raw (sheng)
form it should be used only externally. Cooking it for an extended period
minimizes its toxicity.
- The Eighteen Incompatabilities stated that Wu Tou is incompatible with Ban Xia, but recent studies have not corraberated this theory therefore the validity of this is under question.
- (cc: bleeding of any type)
- (cc: cough due to yin deficiency or depleted fluids)
- (note: incompatible with wu tou, fu zi)