Yang Qi Shi


Yang Qi Shi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Yang Qi Shi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: actinolite
Pharmacuetical Name: Actinolitum
Properties: salty, slightly warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: KD

Flavors: salty
Tonifies: yang

Special Properties:
disperses cold, stops bleeding

Actions / Indications:
  • Warms KD; fortifies yang (impotence from KD yang deficiency, premature ejaculation; spermatorrhea; weak and/or sore lower back and knees; infertility; uterine bleeding due to cold womb)
  • (cc: yin deficiency with heat signs)
  • (cc: not recommended for long term use)

    Special Notes:
  • For KD yang deficiency in men combine Yang Qi Shi with Lu Rong and Tu Si Zi.