Ying Su Ke
| Ying Su Ke in TCM:Explore the properties of Ying Su Ke according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: opium shells, opium husks
Pharmacuetical Name: Pericarpium Papaveris
Properties: sour, astringent, neutral
Temperature: neutral
Channels: LU, LI, KD
Flavors: astringent, sour
Special Properties: essence, alleviates bi syndrome
Alternate Forms:
- sheng or cu zhi - diarrhea and pain
- mi zhi - for cough
Actions / Indications:
- Contains leakage of LU qi; stops cough (chronic cough
due to LU deficiency)
- Binds up large intestine; stops diarrhea (chronic
diarrhea with pain or dysenteric disorders)
- Relieves Pain (any kind of pain of sinews and bones,
epigastric pain, abdominal pain)
- Stabilizes lower burner (vaginal discharge; spermatorrhea)
- (cc: pregnancy contraindication)
- (cc: acute dysenteric disorders or acute cough)
- (cc: caution with lactating mothers, infants, or hypothyroidism)
- (cc: not for long term usage, may be addictive)
Special Notes:
- Yan Hu Suo may be used as a substitute
since Ying Su Ke may not be available in many countries.