Ce Bai Ye


Ce Bai Ye in TCM:

Explore the properties of Ce Bai Ye according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: platycladus leaves, chinese arborvitae, oriental arborvitae, "flat fir leaves"
Pharmacuetical Name: Cacumen Platycladi
Properties: bitter, astringent, cool

Temperature: cool

Channels: LU, LI, LV

Flavors: astringent, bitter

Special Properties:
circulates blood, clears heat, resolves phlegm, stops bleeding

    Alternate Forms:
  • ce bai tan - increases stop bleeding function

Actions / Indications:
  • Cools blood; stop bleeding (bleeding gums, hematemesis, hemoptysis, blood in stool or urine, bloody dysenteric disorder, epistaxis, uterine bleeding, used for hot blood disorders or combined with warming herbs for deficient cold bleeding)
  • Stops cough; expels phlegm (stops cough, for thick sputum that is difficult to expectorate and due to phlegm heat in LU)
  • Treats burns and hair loss (use topically for early stage burns over moderate area, treats hair loss in alcohol tincture)

    Special Notes:
  • Pharmacologically Ce Bai Ye has been shown to have hemostatic properties (shortens bleeding time), antitussive properties, expectorant properties, respiratory benefits (relax smooth muscle of respiratory tract), sedative effects (prevented caffeine induced seizures in mice), antihypertensive properties, and antibiotic properties.
  • Bleeding ulcers, bleeding hemorrhoids, and whooping cough have all been shown to be treated successfully with Ce Bai Ye. For bleeding due to heat combine with Da Ji or Xiao Ji. For persistent bleeding combine with xian he cao, ou jie, and pu huang.
  • In one hair loss study, 77.5% success was reported. Prepared by soaking in 25 to 35g Ce Bai ye in alcohol for 7 days, apply topically 3-4x / day.

  • (cc: SP deficient cold)
  • (cc: LU yin deficiency cough)
  • (cc: caution for bleeding with stasis)