Cong Bai


Cong Bai in TCM:

Explore the properties of Cong Bai according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: allium, scallion, green onion
Pharmacuetical Name: Bulbus Allii Fistulosi
Properties: acrid, warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: LU, ST

Flavors: pungent

Special Properties:
disperses cold, eliminates toxins, disperses wind, reduces swelling

Actions / Indications:
  • Releases exterior; induces sweating (for early stage wind-cold; can cook with ginger to make a tea or with rice for food)
  • Disperses cold; unlock yang (abdominal pain, distension; nasal congestion due to cold-blocked yang qi)
  • Relieves Toxicity; disperses clumps (aids lactation by unblocking breasts; for sores and abcesses: used externally as poultice)

    Special Notes:
  • (cooking: add near the end of the decoction)
  • Cong Bai as a topical paste with Sheng Jiang and salt was used to treat common cold with marked results. Paste was applied to chest, back, soles, palms, and popliteal fossa for 1 to 2 days.

  • (cc: caution for deficiency with sweating)
  • (cc: according to some sources, do not use with honey when taken orally)