Da Fu Pi
| Da Fu Pi in TCM:Explore the properties of Da Fu Pi according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: areca husk, areca peel, betel nut peel
Pharmacuetical Name: Pericarpium Arecae
Properties: acrid, slightly warm
Temperature: warm
Channels: LI, ST, SP, SI
Flavors: pungent
Special Properties: circulates qi, clears damp, resolves water accumulations, resolves food stagnation
Actions / Indications:
- Promotes downward movement of qi; relieves stagnation
(food stagnation, qi stagnation, epigastric and abdominal distension,
regurgitation of food, belching with acid regurgitation, constipation,
damp stagnation of ST and intestines)
- Promotes urination; reduces edema (abdominal distension
with edema, superficial edema, damp leg qi)
Special Notes:
- da fu pi and bing lang are derived from
different parts of the same plant (betel nut)
- (cc: qi deficiency)
- (cc: pregnancy)