Da Suan


Da Suan in TCM:

Explore the properties of Da Suan according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: garlic bulb, garlic
Pharmacuetical Name: Bulbus Alli Sativi
Properties: acrid, warm

Temperature: hot

Channels: LU, LI, ST, SP

Flavors: pungent

Special Properties:
eliminates toxins, expels parasites

Actions / Indications:
  • Kills parasites (hookworms and pin worms; internal use or as enema)
  • Relieves toxicity poisoning (dysentary, diarrhea; consumption, whooping cough; carbuncles, boils; tinea and ringworms; internal or topical use)

    Special Notes:
  • Studies report this herb is good for the cardiovascular system and its cancer fighting properties, but over consumption may sometime be associated with eye deterioration.
  • For internal parasitic infestation combine Da Suan with Bing Lang, Ku Lian Pi, and He Shi.

  • (cc: enema is contraindicated in pregnancy)
  • (cc: yin deficient heat or heat disorders of the mouth, tongue, throat, and eyes)
  • (cc: caution with skin irritation and blisters when used topically)