Dong Kui Zi
| Dong Kui Zi in TCM:Explore the properties of Dong Kui Zi according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: malva
Pharmacuetical Name: Semen Malvae
Properties: sweet, cold
Temperature: cold
Channels: LI, SI, UB
Flavors: sweet
Special Properties: resolves water accumulations, resolves dryness, promotes lactation
Actions / Indications:
- Promotes urination; unblocks PUD (edema; hot, bloody,
or stony lin / PUD)
- Promotes lactaction (insufficient milk production,
painful swollen breast; early stage breast abcess)
- Moistens intestines; unblocks bowels (adjunct herb
for constiption due to dry intestines)
- (cc: pregnancy)
- (cc: diarrhea due to SP deficiency)