Zi Shi Yang
| Zi Shi Yang in TCM:Explore the properties of Zi Shi Yang according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):
English Name: Fluorite, Amethyst, Fluoritum
Pharmacuetical Name: Calcium fluoride
Properties: sweet, warm
Temperature: warm
Channels: LU, HT, KD, Uterus
Flavors: sweet
Alternate Forms:- Duan Zi Shi Ying - Calcined flourite is easier to pulverize, more easily warms the Lungs, descends Qi, dispels Cold and warms the womb. This form of the herb is rarely used.
Actions / Indications:
- Calms the mind (palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, convulsions, or disorientation due to Heart Blood Deficiency or Liver Yang Rising)
- Warms the Lung (cough or wheezing due to deficient cold in the lungs, copious sputum)
- Warms the Uterus (female infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding due to deficient cold in the womb, excessive menstrual discharge)
Special Notes:
- This herb is used in two classical formulas. The first is Zhen Ling Dan which stabilizes the uterus, clears blood stagnation, and targets pelvic inflammatory disease and abnormal uterine bleeding. The second is Feng Yin Tang which pacifies wind and targets epilepsy and stroke.
- This herb travels through the Chong and Ren Channels and warms the Womb.
Contraindications:- (cc: empty heat due to yin deficiency)
- (cc: dryness invading blood level)
- (cc: not for long term use)