• Wind is a broad category for a type of pathogen that can come from either an internal or external source. Wind that comes from an external source can enter the body through air, food, or water. Wind that comes from inside the body "inner wind" is generally the result of poor liver function. Wind can affect various parts of the body, for instance a headache is considered to be a head wind.

    Exterior wind, especially such as the common cold, can be expelled by promoting sweating. Therefore many of the herbs and foods that are recommended to help expel wind also promote sweating. Trapped gas in the intestines is considered a symptom of inner wind. To expel inner wind, choose foods and herbs that will expel gas and soothe the liver.

    Many of the herbs that help expel wind are aromatic such as oregano, ginger, basil, and sage. To treat wind-dampness choose foods and herbs that are both pungent and aromatic.

        Foods to Avoid:

    To minimize exposure to exterior wind, it is important to keep the defensive qi, also known as wei qi, as strong as possible. To strengthen the wei qi the body needs proper nutrition, clean air, and adequate rest. Inner wind on the other hand is result of liver aggravation, so avoid foods that are hard on the liver such as alcohol and toxins.

    Many of the herbs that help expel wind are aromatic such as oregano, ginger, basil, and sage. To treat wind-dampness choose foods and herbs that are both pungent and aromatic.

    Licensed acupuncturist and Master of Oriental medicine Justin Hays offers telephone TCM diet consultations: contact us to schedule your telephone consultation today!

        Foods to Resolve Wind:

    On the other hand, the following foods and herbs may help to resolve Wind:

         Angelica root
         Ba Ji Tian
         Bai Bu
         Bai Fu Zi
         Bai Hua She
         Bai Ji Li
         Bai Shao
         Bai Wei
         Bai Zhi
         Bei Xie
         Bie Jia
         Blue Cohosh
         Bo He
         Burdock Root
         Camphor Resin
         Cang Er Zi
         Cang Zhu
         Chai Hu
         Chan Tui
         Chrysanthemum Tea
         Chuan Shan Jia
         Chuan Wu
         Chuan Xiong
         Cinnamon Twig
         Cong Bai
         Coriander Leaf (Cilantro)
         Cowslip Root
         Da Qing Ye
         Dan Dou Chi
         Dang Gui
         Di Long
         Du Huo
         Fang Feng
         Fu Zi
         Gan Sui
         Gao Ben
         Ge Gen
         Ginger (fresh)
         Gou Ji
         Gou Teng
         Green Onions
         Gui Ban
         Gui Zhi
         Hai Feng Teng
         Hai Tong Pi
         Han Fang Ji
         Horny Goat Weed
         Jing Jie
         Kuzu (Kudzu)
         Limeflower Tea
         Long Dan Cao
         Ma Huang
         Man Jing Zi
         Mu Gua
         Mu Li
         Mu Zei
         Niu Bang Zi
         Niu Huang
         Pao D Arco
         Pearled Barley (coix)
         Peppermint Tea
         Qian Hu
         Qian Nian Jian
         Qiang Huo
         Qin Jiao
         Qing Dai
         Qing Xiang Zi
         Quan Xie
         Ren Dong Teng
         Sang Ji Sheng
         Sang Ye
         Sang Zhi
         Scallion (Spring Onion)
         She Chuang Zi
         Sheng Jiang
         Sheng Ma
         Si Gua Lou
         Tea Tree
         Tian Ma
         Wei Ling Xian
         Wu Gong
         Wu Jia Pi
         Wu Shao She
         Wu Yao
         Xi Xian Cao
         Xi Xin
         Xiang Ru
         Xin Yi Hua
         Xing Ren
         Xiong Dan
         Ye Jiao Teng
         Yi Yi Ren
         Yin Yang Huo
         Yu Zhu
         Yuan Zhi
         Zi Su Ye
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